You see, the autistic mind tends to be a specialist mind 自闭症患者通常都是有特别的心智的 good at one thing, bad at something else. 她们往往在某一方面做得很棒,在其他方面做得很糟 And where I was bad was algebra. And I was never allowed to
Like if I say, "Think about a church steeple" 比如说,“请想象一下教堂的石柱” most people get this sort of generalized generic one. 大多数人想到的是一个标准答案 Now, maybe that's not true in this room, 也许这个房间里的人的答案会
Like if I say, "Think about a church steeple" 比如说,“请想象一下教堂的石柱” most people get this sort of generalized generic one. 大多数人想到的是一个标准答案 Now, maybe that's not true in this room, 也许这个房间里的人的答案会
I think I'll start out and just talk a little bit about what exactly autism is. 我想,我就从解释自闭症是什么来开始我的演讲吧 Autism is a very big continuum 自闭症的症状范围很广 that goes from very severe -- the child remains non
Is it unrealistic for them to hope or think that that child loves them, as some might, as most, wish? 对于家长来说,他们希望或者认为自己的孩子也许能够爱他们,这是不是比较不现实? Well let me tell you, that child will be loyal, 假如家长这么做,孩子会
Let's just look at something like, you know, 我们不妨看一个具体的问题 solving problems with making airlines safer. 比如如何让飞行变得更加安全 Yeah, I'm a million-mile flyer. 没错,我自己就经常要坐飞机 I do lots and lots of flying,