Being given a means of communication changed everything. 有了交流的方式,一切都改变了。 I used the power of words and will to challenge the preconceptions of those around me and those I had of myself. 我用语言的力量挑战了来自于身
Seeing my father walk through the door to collect me was the best moment of the day. 每次看到父亲穿过大门进来接我的一刻,都是那一天最美好的时候。 My mind became a tool that I could use to either close down to retreat from my reali
I was completely powerless to change anything in my life or people's perceptions of me. 我无法改变生命中的任何事情,对改变别人对我的认知也无能为力。 I was a silent, invisible observer of how people behaved when they thought no
Meanwhile, my mind began knitting itself back together. Gradually, my awareness started to return. 但是同一时间,我的意识开始逐渐缓慢复原,慢慢的,我的意识开始恢复了。 But no one realized that I had come back to life. I was aware of e
In myself, I had a ready audience, and I believed that by expressing my thoughts and wishes, others would listen, too. 在我身体里有一个现成的观众,我相信只要表达思想和愿望,其他人也可以听到。 But as I began to communicate more, I realiz
Imagine being unable to say, "I am hungry," "I am in pain," "thank you," or "I love you." 想象一下不能说出“我饿了”,“我好疼” “谢谢”以及“我爱你”的情形。 Being trapped inside your body, a
However, I longed to share my life with someone. 但是,我渴望与他人分享我的生活。 I remember staring out the window as my dad drove me home from work, thinking I have so much love inside of me and nobody to give it t
Perhaps my parents could have found out and could have helped. 也许我的父母本能够发现并给我帮助。 But the years of constant caretaking, having to wake up every two hours to turn me, 但是经年累月的康复照看,不得不每两个小时就醒来让我翻身, combin
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