If you told me that I'd have to be depressed for the next month, 如果你告诉我,我会在接下来的一个月里一直抑郁 I would say, "As long I know it'll be over in November, I can do it." 我会说,“只要一个月之后不抑郁了我就可以接受。”
I was really moved by these experiences, 我被这些真实的故事深深打动了 and I decided that I wanted to write about them 我之前计划只是写一本书来记录 not only in a book I was working on, but also in an article, 但是现在我觉得远远不够,我还要写一篇文章
It's easier to help schizophrenics who perceive 相对而言帮助精神分裂症患者更容易 that there's something foreign inside of them that needs to be exorcised, 他们认为自己身体里面有某些异质需要被驱除 but it's difficult with depr
I went a few years ago to a conference, and on Friday of the three-day conference, 几年前我去参加一个学术会议,连开三天,第一天是周五 one of the participants took me aside, and she said, 一个与会者把我叫到一边,她说 "I suffer from dep
So I'm a woman with chronic schizophrenia. 我是一个患有慢性精神分裂症的女人 I've spent hundreds of days in psychiatric hospitals. 我曾经有几百天都待在精神病医院里面 I might have ended up spending most of my life on the back w
You see, the autistic mind tends to be a specialist mind 自闭症患者通常都是有特别的心智的 good at one thing, bad at something else. 她们往往在某一方面做得很棒,在其他方面做得很糟 And where I was bad was algebra. And I was never allowed to
The day I left home for the first time 我第一次离家到大学念书的那天 to go to university was a bright day brimming with hope and optimism. 感觉棒呆了,日子充满希望 I'd done well at school. Expectations for me were high, 我学业
So I'm a woman with chronic schizophrenia. 我是一个患有慢性精神分裂症的女人 I've spent hundreds of days in psychiatric hospitals. 我曾经有几百天都待在精神病医院里面 I might have ended up spending most of my life on the back w
I went a few years ago to a conference, and on Friday of the three-day conference, 几年前我去参加一个学术会议,连开三天,第一天是周五 one of the participants took me aside, and she said, 一个与会者把我叫到一边,她说 "I suffer from dep
I was really moved by these experiences, 我被这些真实的故事深深打动了 and I decided that I wanted to write about them 我之前计划只是写一本书来记录 not only in a book I was working on, but also in an article, 但是现在我觉得远远不够,我还要写一篇文章
Continuing with the writings: 继续我的笔记: "The next morning I went to my professor's office to ask for an extension on the memo assignment, “第二天,我来到我教授办公室,问我能不能晚点交作业, and I began gibbering uninte
One in four people suffer from some sort of mental illness, 每四个人中就有一人患有某种精神疾病 so if it was one, two, three, four, it's you, sir. 如果说是一二三四,就是你了先生 You. Yeah. 对,是你。 With the weird teeth. And you next
So now people say, "You take these happy pills, and do you feel happy?" 现在人们会问:你吃了这些快乐丸(指抗抑郁药),你快乐么 And I don't. 不 But I don't feel sad about having to eat lunch, 但是我不会因为要吃饭而不开心 and
I'd like to do pretty much what I did the first time, which is to choose a light-hearted theme. 我想能和第一次演讲一样,选择一个轻松的主题。 Last time, I talked about death and dying. 上一次我谈论了关于生与死。 This time, I'm g
And I went out and I interviewed person after person who was suffering with depression. 于是我去探访了一个又一个经历过抑郁的人 One of the first people I interviewed 我第一批采访的人中有一个人 described depression as a slower way of
Like if I say, "Think about a church steeple" 比如说,“请想象一下教堂的石柱” most people get this sort of generalized generic one. 大多数人想到的是一个标准答案 Now, maybe that's not true in this room, 也许这个房间里的人的答案会
I was referred to a psychiatrist, who likewise took a grim view of the voice's presence, 我被转介给精神科医生,有声音这件事被很严肃地看待 subsequently interpreting everything I said through a lens of latent insanity. 所以接
And yet, when I went to look at alternative treatments, 当我去了解其它偏门疗法时 I also gained perspective on other treatments. 我也接触到了其它疗法的不同的视角 I went through a tribal exorcism in Senegal that involved a great d
"I felt a funeral in my brain, and mourners to and fro “我的脑海中,进行着一场葬礼,悼念者络绎不绝 kept treading, treading till I felt that sense was breaking through. 不停的走着, 踩踏着,直到仪式的氛围渐浓 And when they all were seat
I was struck by the fact that depression 我很不能理解为什么 is broadly perceived to be a modern, Western, middle-class thing, 人们普遍的把抑郁症看成是现代西方中产阶级特有的一种病 and I went to look at how it operated in a variety of ot