I was one of the only kids in college who had a reason 上大学时,我是唯一一个需要 to go to the P.O. box at the end of the day, 在一天结束的时候去开邮箱的人, and that was mainly because my mother has never believed 主要是因为我妈妈从不信赖
It was the only love letter I ever received, but it turned all my bitterness and grief into a peacefulness which was the nearest I could get, then, to happiness. 这可是我有生以来收到的唯一的情书!它将我的忧伤一扫而光,使我的心情变得平静-
"You must have wondered ", she said, "why I was so upset at the thought of young George's going to England without you. 她说:"我听你说乔治要回国,又不带你走,心里非常不安。我这份心事你是不明白的。 I am an old woman, and perhaps I have th
The Love letter 迟到的情书 I was always a little in awe of Great-aunt Stephina Roos. Indeed, as children we were all frankly terrified of her. 我对斯蒂菲娜老姑总是怀着敬畏之情。说实在话,我们几个孩子对她都怕得要死。 The fact that she did not
Tante Sanna would bring in dishes of sweet, sweet, sticky candy, or a great bowl of grapes or peaches, and Great-aunt Stephina would converse gravely about happenings on the farm ,and, more rarely, of
I loved you some time ago. 我不久前爱上你。 Since then I feel that I love you a thousand times better. 自那以后,我对你的爱更增千倍。 Ah, let me see some of your faults. 哎,真希望看到你的美中不足。 Be less beautiful, less graceful, less
Someone once said: "Don't be afraid if you find a crack on your soul, 有人说过:“不要害怕心有裂缝, because that'll be where the sunshine comes in." 那是阳光照进来的地方。” Before I met you, I thought this was nothing but ano
I do love you, Livy...as the dew loves the flowers; as the birds love the sunshine; 我真的爱你,莉薇……就像露珠爱鲜花,鸟儿爱阳光, as the wavelets love the breeze; as mothers love their first-born; 微波爱轻风,母亲爱她们的第一个孩子, as me
乔布斯写给妻子的情书 We didn't know much about each other twenty years ago. 20年前我们相知不多。 We were guided by our intuition; you swept me offmy feet. 我们跟着感觉走, 你让我着迷得飞上了天。 It was snowing when we got married at the A