Angry 愤怒 Whether four or forty,we all get angry at times. 不管是4岁还是40岁,有时我们都会生气。 But the person who doesn't learn to manage his temper 但是,一个不会控制自己脾气的人, marches through life shattering relationships, 一生都
Our culture is shifting, and it's time. 我们的文化正在变迁,是时候改变了。 So my fellow women and our gentle men, 我的女性同胞们,我们的绅士们, as we are here together within this particular window of this large-scale movement towa
When women get manhandled, we start to rationalize, try to figure out the ways that it was... 当女性受到粗暴对待时,我们开始试图将该行为合理化,试着弄清其中的原因... "It was probably our fault. You know what? He probably said somethin
So later, I was left pondering this fury, and looking for an explanation as to why, even in her telling of it, 和朋友分开后,我一直在思索这种怒火,想弄明白为什么在她讲述的过程中, I felt fury, too, and why this was a word and a feelin
Fellas, can you imagine you're just on your phone, and someone walks up to you and just takes it out of your hand? 各位,你能想象当你在打电话的时候,有人走过来,然后直接把电话从你手中拿走吗? And they're like, "OK dude, I don't know why y
So, I have a friend. She's an actress, she's in her 60s. 我的一个朋友,是个女演员,60多岁了。 She's super bright, badass, emotionally intelligent. 她非常睿智,能力超群,情商很高。 And a couple of days before Christmas, she was at the