Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign. O Troupe of little vagrants of the world, leave your
My fellow Americans, 我的美国同胞们, This week, I traveled to Nashville, Tennessee to lay a wreath at the grave of Andrew Jackson, on the 250th anniversary of his birth. 本周,我来到田纳西州的纳什维尔,在安德鲁·杰克逊诞辰250周年之际向他的墓
I was there to share the good news for the American auto industry. 我去那里,带去了对美国汽车行业的好消息。 We announced we'll be reversing an 11th hour executive action from the previous Administration that was threaten
This will be a win-win for our companies and for our workers. 这对我们的企业和我们的员工都将是双赢的。 Let's buy American and hire American. Let's create jobs in America. 让我们购买美国的产品,雇佣美国人。让我们在美国创造就业岗位。 Let's imagine new
尊敬的各位领导: 大家好! 首先,非常感谢我们太行x景区的各位领导对我的信任和赏识,能够给我这么一个机会,让我参与我们景区基层领导的岗位竞聘。如果竞聘成功,我在景区管理这个岗位上将会有一个得以展示自身价值的机会和舞台。 我叫xx,今年30岁,中共党员,大学本科文凭,xx年,我结束了在xx市文化馆艺术学校4年的学习生涯,学习钢琴专业毕业,来到了我们的景区工作。当时在x景区主管检票处工作,任组长。 x