Like that, you know. The answer -- the short answer to all those questions is, "Yes." Yes, I'm afraid of all those things. 我当时一直得到诸如此类的质疑。对于这些质疑,最简单的回答是:“怕” 是的,这种种一切都让人害怕。 And I always have been. And
I grew up on the coast of England in the '70s. My dad is white from Cornwall, and my mom is black from Zimbabwe. 我于上世纪七十年代,生长在英格兰的海岸边,我父亲是来自康沃尔的白人,我母亲是来自津巴布韦的黑人。 Even the idea of us as a family was ch
Strangely, these revelations didn't cure my low self-esteem, that feeling of otherness. 奇怪的是,这些启示,并没有治愈我那缺少的自尊,那种被划为另类的感觉。 My desire to disappear was still very powerful. I had a degree from Cambridge
It's a beautiful thing. I swear to God. I mean, when you look at the box and you sort of see how it works. 它真美。我发誓,当你看着盒子的时候,你就好像知道它如何运作的。 Rives is here, and I met him years ago at a book fair; he doe