编者按: 人同自然界其他事物之间最重要的区别之一就是,人懂得短暂、始与终,所以也了解时间是一种恩赐。 Life grows in the soil of time What I believe, what I value most, is transitoriness. But is not transitoriness - the perishableness of life - somethi
Love and Time 爱和时间 Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: 从前,有一个岛屿上住着所有的感情: Happiness,Sadness, Knowledge,and all of the others, including Love. 快乐,悲伤,知识,还有包括爱在内的所有其他所有情感。
When I consider every thing that grows 当我看到一切生长者 Holds in perfection but a little moment 只在刹那间能够完美 That this huge stage presenteth nought 世界舞台上一无所有 But shows whereon the stars in secret influence comm
I know you-- the heartbroken. I've been there recently and plenty before. I know you better than you think I do. 我懂你——伤心的人。 我最近刚伤心过, 曾经伤心过很多次。 我比你想象的更懂你。 I know heartbreak as well as I know the taste
I know you -- the heartbroken. 我懂你--伤心的人。 I've been there recently, and plenty before. 我最近刚伤心过,曾经伤心过很多次。 I know you better than you think I do. 我比你想象的更懂你。 I know heartbreak as well as I know the taste
When your legs don't work like they used to before 当你的腿脚不再像从前那般灵活 And I can't sweep you off of your feet 当我也不再像从前那样让你神魂颠倒 Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love 你是否还记得我们相爱时的点滴滋味 Will your
A pot of cooked rice, if left out overnight, will become a bit dry because of loss of water. On the third day, it may no taste as good; and on the fourth day, as you‘ll discover, it becomes sour. If k
Eventually, we'll move to a modified Mars time, which is what we're working now. 最终,我们得作息会依照修改过的火星的时间,这就是我们现在在做的。 And that's because it's hard on your bodies, it's hard on your families. 因为这对你的身体和家庭都是
So the reason there's a time difference on Mars right now, 火星上的时间和我们现在的时间是不一样的, from the time that we're at is because the Martian day is longer than the Earth day. 因为火星的一天比地球要长。 Our Earth day is 24 h
But of course, it's 2016, so there's an app for that. 当然,到了2016年,已经有手机软件可以替代手表了。 So now instead of the watches, we can also use our phones. 现在我们可以用手机来代替手表。 But the impact on families was just across t
So we would get off work, and we didn't want to go home and bother our families, 所以我们下班后,并不想回家去打扰家人, and we were hungry, so instead of going locally to eat something, we'd go, 饿的时候,往往就近找些吃的。我们会说: "Wai
Again, we didn't start out thinking, "Oh, let's invent a language." 我们开始想:“对了,我们干脆发明一种语言吧。” It was just very confusing. I remember somebody walked up to me and said, 刚开始真的非常的混乱。我记得有人走过来对我说: "I would l
So many of you have probably seen the movie "The Martian." 我估计在座很多人都看过“火星救援”这部电影。 But for those of you who did not, it's a movie about an astronaut who is stranded on Mars, 对于没看过的人来说,这是一部关于一名宇航员被困在火星,
So while she's sleeping -- and the rover does sleep at night 当然,在她睡觉的时候,她晚上确实是在睡觉, because she needs to recharge her batteries and she needs to weather the cold Martian night. 因为她需要给电池充电,而且她需要抵抗住火星晚上的
Hence, the Mars watch. This weights in this watch have been mechanically adjusted so that it runs more slowly. Right? 这就是我的火星手表。这只手表的砝码用机械的方法调整过了,所以它走的相对慢一些。 And we didn't start out -- I got this watc
So we have the watches and the language, and you're detecting a theme here, right? 我们有特制的手表和专门的语言,现在你们明白了吧? So that we don't get confused. But even the Earth daylight could confuse us. 这样我们不再搞混了。但是连地球
So we don't have people on Mars right now, but we do have rovers. 我们现在并没有人类生活在火星,但是我们有漫游者探测器。 And actually right now, on Curiosity, it is 6:10 in the morning. 现在,好奇号漫游者的时间是早上6点10分。 So, 6:10 in the mor