Going forward, we think the search box 展望未来 will become something different. 搜索框将会发生变化 We call it Box Computing. 称为框计算 It's our vision for the future of computing. 这是对于未来计算的一个愿景 Why? 为什么这么说呢? This
So when a request is entered into this box, 当用户输入请求之后 we do all kinds of semantic analysis, behavioral analysis, 将会对此请求进行各种语意分析,行为分析 intelligent interaction with the user 并与用户进行智能交互 than massive compu
But what we quickly found was 但是百度 that we were still losing money. 仍然在亏损 Although we probably signed up the portal companies that 尽管占中国搜索流量超过80%的门户网站 represent more than 80% of the Chinese search tra
Another very unique thing for China is that, 另一件在中国特别的事情是 for this chart at the bottom, 从图表底部 you can tell that there are more than 700,000 可以看出每年有超过70万的 engineering graduates each year. 工科毕业生 Enginee
What it is about Baidu and the Chinese search market that's allowed 是什么让百度在中国 Baidu to become much more successful than Google and Yahoo! in China? 比谷歌以及雅虎做得更成功 Specifically, what is it that Ameri
But in any case, I thought I had no choice. 无论什么情况,我都没有选择 So I put my head down and focused on operation technology, 我选择脚踏实地工作,专注于公司的运营 focused on the user's experience, and I delivered. 专注于提升用户体验
You know, Baidu was founded at the beginning of 2000, 百度成立于2000年初 and quickly NASDAQ reached its historical high of 5,000. 不久,纳斯达克指数创下5000点的新高 I remember it was March of 2000. 那是2000年的3月 Then it dropp
About a year ago, 在一年之前 we started a project called Aladdin. 我们启动了一个叫"阿拉丁"的项目 It's really a technology initiative 这是一项 that's aimed to index the 致力于将暗网 "dark" web or the hi
It's not a million-dollar question. 这不仅仅是几百万美元的问题 It's a trillion-dollar question. 这可关系到几万亿美元 I think many of the Chinese are very eager to find out 许多中国人急于找出 what it takes to form a Silicon V