If such an accident should occur, apologies are fulsome but should never be used as an excuse for further conversation. 如果这样的意外发生了,不必过分道歉,但决不能借此便交谈起来。 On crowded public transport where it is sometimes
Bermuda Triangle—Devil's Triangle 百慕大三角区——魔鬼三角洲 The Bermuda or Devil's Triangle, an imaginary area located off the southeastern Atlantic coast of the United States, is a complete mystery. 百慕大或者魔鬼三角洲,这
If you wait for someone to give you the green light to create and perform music, you may wait a long time. 如果你要等着别人给你创作音乐和表演的许可证,你可能会等很长时间。 Artists should use their inner belief and the response they
Book of Jeff Bezos 杰夫·贝佐斯的故事 When one thinks of the individuals who have played a great role in the development of the Internet, names like Tim Burners Lee (developer of the World Wide Web), Bill Gate
Women are concerned about their partner becoming attracted to other women by sex, intelligence, and other attractions, and dissatisfaction with the current relationship. 女人担心她们的伴侣被其他女人的性感、理解力和其他特质所吸引,
What Is American Dream? 什么是美国梦? What is the American Dream? Is it the same for all Americans? Is it a myth? Is it simply a search for a better life? How has the American Dream changed over time? Some
Living History 亲历历史 Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton says that she's still not quite sure why her memoirs, "Living History," sold so well. 希拉里·克林顿说她自己仍然不确定她的回忆录《亲历历史》为什么卖得这么好。 In a four-page afterword to t
The Origin of Carnival 狂欢节的起源 Carnival is a Christian creation derived from the Latin "Carne vale", meaning "farewell meat". 狂欢节是基督教创造的,起源于拉丁文中的Carne vale,意思是“肉啊,再见”。 And this referred to stop eating
She became convinced that her "life, though lived in the spotlight and blessed with greater opportunities, echoed the experiences of millions of other Americans." 希拉里·克林顿开始相信“尽管一直生活在聚光灯下,而且总是有很多机会,自己的
Space Voyage for the Average Joe and Mary 普通人的太空行 Forty-one years after the original space race began with the launch of the Russian Sputnik, the world's first satellite, a new race has emerged. 四十一年前
Lesson 4 第四课 The geese in a formation honk from behind to encourage those in front to keep up their speed. 为了鼓励队形前方的大雁,后面的雁群往往发出鼓励叫声。 We need to make sure our honking from behind is encouraging and no
But in the eyes of many UFO fans, government officials were trying to hide information on extraterrestrial UFOs for fear of mass panic. 但是在许多UFO迷们看来,政府官员试图遮掩公众对天外来客的UFO的恐惧感。 The UFO craze continued th
Rick was chosen for US-British test pilot exchange program in 1992. 1992年,里克被选入美国— 英国皇家空军试飞员交换项目。 We moved to the English countryside, where our marriage grew to a deeper level with no barriers standi
Possible low grade. Because dorm life is very social, your grades may be affected in a negative way. If you constantly choose hanging out with your dorm buddies over studying at the library, then your
To Become a Leader at Your School 成为校园领袖 Many leaders have certain traits and perform certain tasks that allow them to be respected by other people. 许多领导人都有特定的品质和做事的执行力,因而能得到其他人的尊重。 If you would like
How Love Endures? 爱如何不停运转? It's a year I could never have imagined happening, let alone getting through. 这一年我不敢去想发生了什么,更不用说我是如何度过每一天的。 A year since I lost the love of my life, the man I expected to be
Understanding Jealousy 理解嫉妒 Most of us have experienced Shakespeare's "green-eyed monster"—jealousy. It is a terrible obsession. 大多数的我们都经历过莎士比亚笔下的“绿眼怪物”——嫉妒。这是摆脱不了的困扰。 Often in a crisis we'd like to k
UFO Mystery UFO之谜 The first mass sightings of UFOs in the United States came in 1896, when a number of people from California to the Midwest reported seeing mysterious aircraft. 第一次大规模目击UFO是在1896年的美国,