Death, thy servant, is at my door. He has crossed the unknown sea and brought thy call to my home. 死亡,你的仆人,来到我的门前。他渡过不可知的海洋临到我家,来传达你的召令。 The night is dark and my heart is fearful---yet I will take up
I know that the day will come when my sight of this earth shall be lost, and life will take its leave in silence, drawing the last curtain over my eyes. 我知道这日子将要来到,当我眼中的人世渐渐消失,生命默默地向我道别,把最后的帘幕拉过我的眼前。
Deity of the ruined temple! The broken strings of Vina sing no more your praise. 破庙里的神呵!七弦琴的断线不再弹唱赞美你的诗歌。 The bells in the evening proclaim not your time of worship. 晚钟也不再宣告礼拜你的时间。 The air is still an
I am like a remnant of a cloud of autumn uselessly roaming in the sky, O my sun ever-glorious! 我像一片秋天的残云,无主地在空中飘荡,呵,我的永远光耀的太阳! Thy touch has not yet melted my vapour, making me one with thy light, and
Thy sunbeam comes upon this earth of mine with arms outstretched and stands at my door the livelong day to carry back to thy feet clouds made of my tears and sighs and songs. 你的阳光射到我的地上,整天地伸臂站在我门前,把我的
O thou the last fulfilment of life, Death, my death, come and whisper to me! 呵,你这生命最后的完成,死亡,我的死亡,来对我低语罢! Day after day I have kept watch for thee; for thee have I borne the joys and pangs of life. 我天天
I boasted among men that I had known you. 我在人前夸说我认得你。 They see your pictures in all works of mine. 在我的作品中,他们看到了你的画像, They come and ask me, `Who is he?' I know not how to answer them. 他们走来问:“他 是谁?”我不知道
It is the pang of separation that spreads throughout the world and gives birth to shapes innumerable in the infinite sky. 离愁弥漫世界,在无际的天空中生出无数的情境。 It is this sorrow of separation that gazes in silence a
When my play was with thee I never questioned who thou wert. 当我是同你做游戏的时候,我从来没有问过你是谁。 I knew nor shyness nor fear, my life was boisterous. 我不懂得羞怯和惧怕,我的生活是热闹的。 In the early morning thou wouldst call me