But I want to jump up to shallow water now and look at some creatures that are positively amazing. 不过我现在还是想说说浅水里的世界,来看看那些神奇的生物。 Cephalopods -- head-foots. As a kid I knew them as calamari, mostly. 头足类
We're going to go on a dive to the deep sea, 好了,我们即将潜入海底深处。 and anyone that's had that lovely opportunity knows that for about two and half hours on the way down, 任何一个有过这种美妙机会的人都知道,在这两个半小时的下降过程中, it's
So, we're learning lots new from the shallow water. 我们从浅海中学到了很多新东西。 Still exploring the deep, but learning lots from the shallow water. 继续来探索下深海领域,同时从浅海中学到很多新东西。 There's a good reason why: the shallow
Cuttlefish. I love cuttlefish. This is a Giant Australian Cuttlefish. 墨鱼,我很喜欢墨鱼。这是一只巨型澳大利亚墨鱼。 And there he is, his droopy little eyes up here. But they can do pretty amazing things, too. 看它,看它那双无精打采的眼