A man punished his 5-year-old daughter for using up the family's only roll of expensive gold wrapping paper. Money was tight, and he became even more upset when on Christmas Eve, he saw that the child
Some people change their signature on the social networks frequently. 有人频繁地更新着社交网络上的个性签名。 Some people spend 1 hour every day to dress themselves. 也有人每天花一整个小时去精心穿搭衣服。 Some people change their haircut e
请帮助我,让我自己做 0~6岁的儿童处于直接经验时期,所有的经验应该来自于孩子自己,这个时期从自己的经验得出的结论,将变成孩子生命的一部分。蒙特梭利经常会说这么一句话:“Help me to do by myself”(请帮助我,让我自己做)。在她看来,儿童对美好的东西有一种积极的探索和吸收的愿望,他跟随这个愿望去经验。有了这个认识世界的良好开端,孩子自然就会发展到真实、自