And the problem of how to go about this is quite obvious. 至于要如何做的问题,也是相当简单明了。 It's not like Plato woke up one day and then he wrote, 但我的意思并非,比如,柏拉图有一天突然醒来说, "Hello, I'm Plato, and as of t
And with this, we could analyze the history of introspection in the ancient Greek tradition, 有了这些数据,我们就可以分析古希腊传统中有关于内省的历史, for which we have the best available written record. 因为有着最完整的文字记录。 So what we
And it turned out to be that for this group of 34 people, 结果显示,刚刚的34位年轻人, the algorithm based on semantic coherence could predict, 透过这个语义连贯性算法, with 100 percent accuracy, who developed psychosis and w
We have historical records that allow us to know how the ancient Greeks dressed, 我们有历史纪录可循,可以让我们知道古希腊人如何穿着、 how they lived, how they fought, but how did they think? 如何生活、如何打仗,但他们如何思考呢? One natural ide
And in the same way many of us are now wearing sensors that detect our heart rate, 同样的方式,我们现在很多人都使用穿戴式侦测器,可以侦测我们的心跳、 our respiration, our genes, on the hopes that this may help us prevent diseases, 呼吸