Whenever I get to travel for work, 无论何时外出工作, I try to find out where my drinking water comes from, and where my poop and pee go. 我都会尝试弄清我饮用水的来源,还有我排泄物的去处。 This has earned me the nickname "The Poo Prin
So, in this suburb, the poo and the pee and the wash water are going to this treatment plant right in the middle of the community. 那么,在这片城郊,各种排泄物们和废水正涌向处于区域中心的处理池。 It looks more like a park than a tre
We want to accelerate adoption of sustainable building and development practices. 我们想要提高高承受性建筑及其应用的采纳度。 We want more innovation. 我们想拥抱更多革新。 But a lot of times, whole categories of innovation -- 但是很多情况
I want to show you some brave souls who've had the courage to embrace this advanced potty training approach. 我想要给你们展示这些英勇地灵魂,就是那些有勇气去拥抱这种先进如厕技术地人们。 So those folks in New Mexico -- why did they do it?
And Portland is not alone here. 波特兰市在这件事上并不孤独。 Forty percent of municipalities self-report dumping raw or partially treated sewage into our waterways. 40%的市政当局在自述汇报中指出曾倾倒未处理或仅部分处理的污水进入水网。 The other bu
What's driving all that innovation? It's us. 是什么驱动了这些创新?是我们人类。 We're talking about energy. It's cool to talk about energy. 我们正在谈论能源。这听起来很酷炫。 Some folks are even talking about the problems with the lim
This was the first permit of its kind in Oregon. 下面是这类技术在俄勒冈州第一个通过法令的例子。 Brave and open-minded people sat down and felt comfortable saying, "Yeah, that shit makes sense." 勇敢而心胸开阔的人们在圆桌会议上阔谈到:“对,那坨粑粑听起
Number one: we can fertilize our food. 第一:这能为我们的食物施肥。 Each one of us is pooping and peeing something that could fertilize half or maybe all of our food, depending on our diet. 我们每个人都产生能够肥沃我们一半甚至全部食物的排