如今,沐浴在正午和煦的阳光里,我常回忆起我们一起度过的那些午餐时间。它们就像是我童年岁月里的小逗点儿。这些停顿告诉我,生命不是在预先量好的增额中来体味的,而是要在每天的生活琐事以及不经意中和所爱的人共享的许多小乐趣中去细细体味的。吃着花生酱三明治和巧克力曲奇条,我认识到:爱,首先并且最重要地,意味着关注那些微不足道的小事。 I grew up in a small town where the e
编者按: 我永远忘不了一个傍晚的情形。你碰见一个人提着一篮子刚出窝的猫仔。那人说,如果没人买,就只能将这些小猫儿溺死。你哭得好伤心哟,就因为不准你带一只回家。 Letter to a Young Friend Among all the people I know,there is one very special friend.She is young,beautiful and intelli
Psychoanalyst---Sigmund Freud There are no neutrals in the Freud wars. Admiration, on one side; skepticism, on the other. But on one thing the contending parties agree: for good or ill, Sigmund Freud,
编者按: “……我虽然不富甲天下,却拥有无数个艳阳天和夏日。”----亨利·大卫·梭罗 Hour in the Sun John H.Bradley “…I was rich, if not in money, in sunny hours and summer days.”----- Henry David Thoreau. When Thoreau wrote that line, he wa
编者按: 同六个姐妹一起长大是不容易的。多少年来,我们彼此有着不同的观念。父母手头一直都不宽裕,有时甚至食品都出现匮乏。填饱肚子对我们来讲已算是幸运的了。如果哪天晚上有甜点,那真是了不起的享受了。 The Days of Picking Blueberries1) Growing up with six sisters wasn't easy.We had our share of differe
约翰·济慈(JohnKeats,1795年—1821年),出生于18世纪末年的伦敦,他是杰出的英诗作家之一,也是浪漫派的主要成员。 To Tom Keats, 29th June, 1818. Keswick My dear Tom; I cannot make my Journal as distinct and actual as I could wish, from having been
约翰·济慈(JohnKeats,1795年—1821年),出生于18世纪末年的伦敦,他是杰出的英诗作家之一,也是浪漫派的主要成员。 To J. H. Reynolds Teignmouth, May 3rd 1818 My dear Reynolds; What I complain of is that I have been in so an uneasy a state of mind as
你所要做的就是去尝试倾听你心灵深处的召唤。你会惊奇地发现,那些看似不可解决的问题在清晨的阳光普照前已经像薄雾般消失散尽。 Welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I’m Faith. How often do we come to a place in life where we feel there is no hope, no purpos
修篱笆前我一定要问: 篱笆保了什么又防了啥? 我修篱笆要防谁? Mending Wall .... The gaps I mean, No one has seen them made or heard them made, But at spring mending-time we find them there. I let my neighbor know beyond the hill;
A Haunting Music, Sole Perhaps and Lone A haunting music, sole perhaps and lone Supportress of the faery-roof, made moan Throughout, as fearful the whole charm might fade. Fresh carved cedar, mimickin
Temperamental Faucet1) A single glance will tell you how hot or cold your tap water is with the Chameleon2) faucet.The prototype faucet,which was designed by Shane Koo,features a color-changing thermo
为什么大部分的爱情最后都演变成为孤独及伤心的代言词,为什么我们在一起是那么的愉快,却还是要说再见? 如果我能重新再做一次选择,或者再让我回到过去,我们的爱情故事会有不同的结局吗? Welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I’m Faith. Love is a Universal emotion, the goal we all seek, t
运用想象力,在你的心灵呈现一张自己的照片,照片中的你再次变得健康,令你满意。而那有病痛的部位也在你的想象中变得完好和健康。你的身体将恢复到它本来应有的健康状态。大自然的设计使我们的身体能保持在健康的状态。 Welcome to the hypnotic garden. The latest scientific investigations of the mind have been able t
约翰·济慈(JohnKeats,1795年—1821年),出生于18世纪末年的伦敦,他是杰出的英诗作家之一,也是浪漫派的主要成员。 To George and Tom Keats, 23, 24 January 1818 My dear Brothers; I was thinking what hindered me from writing so long, for I have many t
Welcome to another brand new day at Faithradio online daily sunshine. 欢迎来到Faith英语电台每日阳光絮语。 The joy of brightening other lives, bearing each others' burdens, easing others' loads and supplanting empty
美丽总会稍纵即逝,从外到内,给人留下无尽的感伤。对美的需求是人类最崇高的善举,是人类灵魂最伟大的天赋。 Growing in the Middle Ground Anne Phipps I believe that my beliefs are changing. Nothing is positive. Perhaps I’m in a stage of metamorphosis, which
约翰·济慈(JohnKeats,1795年—1821年),出生于18世纪末年的伦敦,他是杰出的英诗作家之一,也是浪漫派的主要成员。 To Fanny Brawne, March 1820 Sweetest Fanny, You fear, sometimes, I do not love you so much as you wish? My dear Girl I love you ever a
约翰·济慈(JohnKeats,1795年—1821年),出生于18世纪末年的伦敦,他是杰出的英诗作家之一,也是浪漫派的主要成员。 On the Sea It keeps eternal whisperings around Desolate shores, and with its mighty swell Gluts twice ten thousand caverns, till the s
独立自强,乐于应对生活的变化。 让生命中充满特别的时刻,努力让梦想成真。 Promise yourself to dream more and hesitate less. To believe in yourself more and judge yourself less by the accomplishments of others. To appreciate your family a
一天早上我给自己采了一束芬芳馥郁的玫瑰。这些花儿是那么让人赏心悦目。正当我想着独自欣赏这些玫瑰是如何惬意时,耳畔仿佛听见有人温柔平静地说:“把它送给你的朋友吧。” Hello, Welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I’m Faith. Fresh flowers are such a lovely thing of beauty. Once