Dear sir, I am very sorry that the pressure of other occupations has prevented me from sending an earlier reply to your letter. In my opinion a man’s first duty is to find a way of supporting himself,
Salaries Economists and experts on wages have long tried to discover what factors were influencing people’s salaries. Most of the factors they listed one or two centuries ago are still important today
All of us ought to be able to brace ourselves for the predictable challenges and setbacks that crop up every day. If we expect that life won’t be perfect, we’ll be able to avoid that impulse to quit.
Beautiful Smile and Love I believe that we are not real social workers. We may be doing social work in the eyes of the people, but we are really contemplatives in the heart of the world. For we are to
我希望这一天能够带给我无畏远行的胸怀,即使旅途没有光亮的照耀;我还希望这一天能够带给我善解人意的心。 A Morning Wish The sun is just rising in the morning of another day. What can I wish that this day may bring me? Nothing that shall make the world or
无论你身在何处,也无论你是何人,此时此刻,有一件事于你我而言都是相同的,而且只要我们活着,这个共同点就存在。那就是,我们并非停留不前,而是人在旅途。 We Are on a Journey By Henry Van Dyke Wherever you are, and whoever you may be, there is one thing in which you and I are jus
Little Mrs. Sommers one day found herself the unexpected owner of fifteen dollars. It seemed to her a very large amount of money. The way it filled up her worn money holder gave her a feeling of impor
英国女诗人艾丽丝·梅内尔(Alice Meynell)这段关于夏日的描绘虽然写于上百年前,然而,四季更迭的自然之美,可以越过悠远的年代,在任何时候都能够捕捉住人的视线。诗人优美的文字及其中对季节变换,人生从激情绚烂转至平淡宁静的沉思,读起来让人不禁反复咀嚼,细细品尝依然回味无穷。 Beauty of July By Alice Meynell One has the leisure of July
不管家长的人品有多么好,作为父母有多么合格,孩子们对家长幻想的破灭在某种程度上是不可避免的。除非父母自身不能令人满意,大多数孩子对父母估价过高,以致这种估价很难指望经受住现实的考验。 Parents are often upset when their children praise the homes of their friends and regard it as a slur on the
Welcome to another brand new day at Faithradio online daily sunshine. 欢迎来到Faith英语电台每日阳光絮语。 We don't receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spa
Welcome to another brand new day at Faithradio online daily sunshine, Faith英语电台每日阳光絮语。 How inspiring it is to walk all day in the sunshine and sleep all night under the stars. What a wonderful experie
我希望遇见,一个这样的朋友; 我不知道是个男孩还是女孩,但我始终相信我会找到,一位真正的朋友。 My one true friend ——Germaine A true friend is always there for you. A person who will help, with all your problems. The one whom you can trust, With al
“今后,当下雨时,你们所有的颜色将横跨填空,形成一道巨大的彩虹,以提示你们七种颜色能友好共处。记住,彩虹象征着明天的希望。”因此,每当好雨洗礼世界的时候,一道彩虹都会出现在天空,让我们记得要学会彼此欣赏。 The colors of friendship Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. All claimed
一个人拥有的东西再多,也多不过其没有得到的。所以,如果你的快乐建立在无限拥有的基础上,那它就太脆弱了。为了不断索取,你会劳碌一生,忧虑一生,根本顾不上快乐。相反,如果你对自己已经拥有的东西知足,快乐就会像阳光一样将你的日子照亮。 One of my patients, a successful businessman, tells me that before his cancer he woul
Welcome to another brand new day at Faithradio online daily sunshine. 欢迎来到Faith英语电台每日阳光絮语。 A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world: everyone you meet is a mi
Relish the Moment Tucked away in our subconsciousness is an idyllic vision. We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the moment. We are traveling by train. Out the windows, we drink in the passing s
In every man there is a king. Speak to the king, and the king will come forth. 在每个人内心都有一个国王。如果你想与他交谈,国王就会出现。 How I've Been Enriched by Beggars Outside our hotel in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, a seeming
Free Up Time to Do What You Love Most Two years ago Shirley Michels of St. Louis found herself getting up earlier and earlier, and going to bed later and later, just to meet everyday demands. The wife
我要用我的笑容感染别人,虽然我的目的自私,但这确是成功之道,因为皱起的眉头会让顾客弃我而去。我不是为将来而活。今天播种今天收获。 No living creature can laugh except man. Trees may bleed when they are wounded, and beasts in the field will cry in pain and hunger, ye
我们需要用激情去拥抱生命里的每一分种,用我们所有的感官去感受生活——在花园的芬芳中,在6岁孩童的蜡笔画中,在美丽迷人的彩虹中去寻找快乐,正是这种对生活的热爱,使得我们神采飞扬、步履矫健,并让我们的灵魂永远年轻。 Years ago, when I started looking for my first job, wise advisers urged, "Barbara, be enthusia