Good morning. Thank you. Thank you very, very much. Thanks so much. Thankyou, Penny, for an extraordinary introduction. And based on that introduction,I accept the nomination. (Laughter.) I’m totally
AMBASSADORISCHINGER:Thanks very much. I think now we can continue. It’s my great pleasure now toopen our second panel this morning. We have two longtime friends of the MunichSecurity Conference. Both
I’d like to say hello to everyoneparticipating in DEMO Fall in Silicon Valley! It’s really a privilege for me to share some thoughts with so manytalented young leaders. DEMO showcases the best of theb
Thank you. Thank you very, verymuch. Thank you. Good morning. Thank you for an extraordinarily warm welcome,Charlottesville. I am really honored to be here. Senator Tim Kaine, thank youvery, very much