After thirty years of married happiness, he could still remind himself that Victoria was endowed with every charm except the thrilling touch of human frailty. Though her perfection discouraged pleasur
Please let me have a little world,please my dear husband.Be so generous as to Let me have a little of my own.If you find me scrawling on a piece of newspaper.please don't piple over my shoulders.It ma
Good morning. Election Day is around the corner, and one of the biggest issues at stake in this campaign is your taxes. Here is my philosophy: I believe that our economy grows and the American Dream r
Good morning. Earlier this week, I had coffee with Rockey Vaccarella in the White House. Rockey is from Saint Bernard Parish in Louisiana, and he and his family lost everything they owned to Hurricane
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. President Peres, thank you, sir, for your hospitality. Mr. Prime Minister and Mrs. Olmert, it's great to be with you. We consider you friends. Heads of state, thank you a
President and Mrs. Bush Attend White House Easter Egg Roll THE PRESIDENT: Well, Laura and I welcome you to the White House for the Easter Egg Roll. How about the Jonas Brothers? Thanks for coming. (A
Ronald Reagan Remarks at the Brandenburg Gate delivered 12 June 1987, West Berlin [AUTHENTICITY CERTIFIED: Text version below transcribed directly from audio. (2)] Thank you. Thank you, very much. Cha
Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger. With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our
Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in the American island of Oahu, the Japanese ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to our Secretary of State a
无论老天赋予你什么样的天赋,或者给让你经历什么样的苦难,都不要放弃做自己的机会,每一个人都是不一样的,相信自己。 My name is Olive. 我的名字是奥利弗 Due to a rare congenital condition,I have very small hands. 由于一种罕见的先天因素,我的两只手非常的小 As a youngster, I used anything to