新东方优美背诵短文50篇 Unit20:The History Significance of American Revolution 20 The Historical Significance of American Revolution The ways of history are so intricate and the motivations of human actions so c
新东方优美背诵短文50篇 Unit19:Children s Numerical Skills 19 children’s numerical skills people appear to born to compute. The numerical skills of children develop so early and so inexorably that it is ea
Good morning. This week, the thoughts and prayers of millions of Americans are with the victims of the Virginia Tech attacks. We mourn promising lives cut short. We pray for the wounded. And we send o
Thank you all. Thank you, Justice O'Connor. Laura and I are really happy to join you today. This state is known at the "Mother of Presidents," which reminds me, I needed to call my Mother today. (Laug
So the idea of mastery learning is to do the exact opposite. 然而掌握式教育的观念就是反其道而行之。 Instead of artificially constraining, fixing when and how long you work on something, 将人为的限制、僵化、何时学习和学多久、 pretty much e
And in a lot of ways, this is how you would master a lot of things in life. 在很多方面,这也是掌握新技能的一种途径。 It's the way you would learn a martial art. 好比学习武术。 In a martial art, you would practice the white belt
And that process continues, and you immediately start to realize how strange this is. 随着课程不断推进,你会突然间发现,这种感觉不太对劲。 I didn't know 25 percent of the more foundational thing, and now I'm being pushed to th
But what if that estimate is just based on your own experience in a non-mastery framework, 但假如那些判断仅仅是基于你们“非掌握体系”的个人经验, your own experience with yourself or observing your peers, 是基于你们的自身经历或仅是对周围人的观察而已
And when that happens, all sorts of neat things happen. 当万事俱备的时候,就会出现良性循环。 One, the students can actually master the concepts, but they're also building their growth mindset, 首先,学生能够真正掌握知识,此外还能培养他们积极的
So as a society, we have a question: 所以对一个社会而言,我们有一个问题: All this new productivity is happening because of this technology, but who participates in it? 科技带来的这些新生产力,是谁参与其中呢? Is it just going to be that
I'm here today to talk about the two ideas that, at least based on my observations at Khan Academy, 今天,我要分享两个观点,至少基于我对可汗学院的观察得出的, are kind of the core, or the key leverage points for learning. 有关于学习的核