And they're all moving to this central system, this fully connected system, all of them except one. 他们都逐渐走向完全连接的系统,不过,有一点还没有。 Can you guess which one? It's the system which underpins all these other s
In our day, we have digitization. That strips all the physical mass out of information, 现在我们有了数据电子化。这把信息从成堆成堆的状况下解救出来, so now it's almost zero cost to copy and share information. 所以现在拷贝分享信息已近乎零花费。 Our
This is Birgitta Jonsdottir. She's an Icelandic MP. And quite an unusual MP. 照片上的是Birgitta Jonsdottir。她是冰岛下院议员。一个不寻常的议员。 In Iceland, she was one of the protesters who was outside of Parliament when th
So what is the solution? It is, I believe, to embody within the rule of law rights to information. 那么怎样解决呢?我相信那就是有接近信息的法律权力。 At the moment our rights are incredibly weak. 现在我们的权力还十分微弱。 In a lot of cou
So I've mentioned WikiLeaks, because surely what could be more open than publishing all the material? 我刚提到了维基解密,因为,还有比它更加公开的么? Because that is what Julian Assange did. 因为朱利安阿桑奇就这么做了。 He wasn't content
So he was talking about the law in Britain which is the Communications Data Bill, an absolutely outrageous piece of legislation. 而他在谈论一个令人愤怒的英国通信数据法案啊! In America, you have the Cyber Intelligence Shar
So we are moving to this democratization of information, and I've been in this field for quite a while. 我们已经进入了信息的民主化,我已经研究这方面很久了。 Slightly embarrassing admission: Even when I was a kid, I used to hav
But again, when it comes to the decisions which are impacting us the most, 但是,当我们谈论到最影响我们的决定, perhaps, the most important decisions that are being made about war and so forth, 可能关于类似战争这种最重要的决定时, again
Well, that's not exactly the story, because the problem was that Parliament delayed and delayed releasing that data, 呵呵,但我讲述的并不是很完整的故事。因为问题在于,议会不断地拖延公布这些信息, and then they tried to retrospectively chan
Once upon a time, the world was a big, dysfunctional family. 很久以前,世界是个很大却不和谐的大家庭。 It was run by the great and powerful parents, and the people were helpless and hopeless naughty children. 这个家庭被“伟大的”、“
Well, I'm the girl in that story, and the secret documents that I was interested in were located in this building, 对,我就是故事里的小女孩,而我感兴趣的秘密就藏在这栋楼里, the British Parliament, and the data that I wanted to g
When winter weather set in, the temperatures dropped below freezing. 当冬天来临的时候,温度骤降到零度以下。 And they stayed there. And I faced a whole new set of challenges. 然后就一直这么冷。我又遇到了一堆新问题, I parked a different pla
I'm a writer and a journalist, and I'm also an insanely curious person, 我是一个作家,一个新闻记者,我也是一位具有强烈求知欲的人, so in 22 years as a journalist, I've learned how to do a lot of new things. 所以在做新闻记者的22年里,我知道了很多新奇
At first, living in the van was great. I showered in campgrounds. 一开始,住在车里是很不错的。我在露天洗澡。 I ate out regularly. And I had time to relax and to grieve. 正常的去外面吃东西。而且有时间去抒发情感。 But then the anger and the dep
A friend told me, shortly after that, that she had heard that Tim Russert, a nationally renowned journalist, had been talking about me on national T.V. 在那不久后,我的一个朋友就告诉我,她听说提姆·路塞特,一个全国知名的记者,在全国播放的电视节目上