编者按: 当我从床上滑下的时候,我并没有领悟到父亲的话该是多么地正确。是的,这一生,我会像记住许多其他事情一样,永远牢记我曾射杀了那只小鸟。 The day my father gave me a BB gun was my twelfth birthday,and I almost couldn’t help jumping up and down when I saw what it was.
编者按: 我看到她躺在那儿,手拿一支美丽的白玫瑰,怀抱一个漂亮的洋娃娃和小男孩在商场的照片。我含泪离去,我的生活从此改变了。 The Doll and a White Rose I hurried into the local department s tore to grab some last minute Christmas gifts.I looked at all the people
编者按: 他说:“我不理解为何每个人都认为我的工作很枯燥。我有一个街角办公室,四周都是玻璃。我可以看见金门海峡、旧金山和伯克利山,半个西方世界都在这儿度假,每天我只是漫步到这里,练习跳舞。 If you have ever gone through a toll booth, you know that your relationship to the person in the booth is
人类的智力基因显而易见在人体DNA内和注入卷心菜DNA后的作用是不同的。但将它植入卷心菜中会产生什么样的副作用呢?换句话说,食用转基因食品安全吗?没有人知道答案,因为人们尚未进行长期的测试。 Is Gm Food1) Safe To Eat? Traditional plant breeding involve s crossing varieties of the same species in
编者按: 营养上的不足削弱了她肌肉的生长和发育。除此之外,在那个时代,对于任何一个男芭蕾舞演员来讲,她都长得太高了。 Hepburn’s Dream My mother’s dream was always to be a prima ballerina. No matter how hard she had trained her most important and formative yea
编者按: 值得结交的人相处---在事业的每个阶段你身边都有有成就的人,这很重要。 倍加重视有一个健康的身体---努力提高健康水平,保持精力旺盛。 Secrets of Self-made1) Successes 1.Dream Big Dreams--How to visualize2),imagine and create an exciting picture of prosperity. 2
编者按: 1962年肖恩·康纳利向全球的影迷宣布:“我叫邦德—詹姆斯·邦德。”在21年间的七部邦德影片中,这位高大,黝黑的苏格兰人表现出的温文尔雅的特工形象,使全世界对他的代号都耳熟能详:007。 HOW TO ACT 007—SEAN CONNERY “My name is Bond—James Bond,” Sean Connery informed the world’s movie-goe
编者按: 他把它拣了起来,此刻侦探打开了灯。邓恩看了看他手里的东西。 竟然是他的手套。 The Glove James Dunne hung from the window and,after a moment,dropped to the ground.He had made no noise.He looked about him.The house was on the edge of th
【英文原文】 Sleeping tight could be bad for your kidneys Good news for restless sleepers --researchers at the University of California tell us that kidney stones could be caused by sleeping too long in one
【英文原文】 Vanishing Breed European mink once thrived along waterways throughout most of Europe.The fur of this small mammal is soft and beautiful.But some people believed the fur of its relative the Amer
【英文原文】 The Jazz Musician:Louis Armstrong Like most of the great innovators1) in jazz, Louis Armstrong is a small man. But the extent of his influence across jazz, across American music and around the
编者按: 尽管两人已记不清那段往事,可当黛安娜头一次见到她未来的丈夫时,还只是个孩子。那是在1961年的冬天,当时年仅十二岁的威尔士王储查尔斯正呆在夏丁汉他母亲的休养所。 WHATEVER LOVE MEANS—DIANA Although neither nor them remembered the occasion, Diana first met her future husband wh
编者按: 最沉重的负担同时也是一种生活最为充实的象征。负担越沉,我们的生活也就贴近大地,越趋近真切和实在。 相反,完全没有负担,人变得比大气还轻,会高高地飞起,离别大地亦即离别真实的生活。他将变得似真非真,运动自由而毫无意义。 ①If 1)eternal return is the heaviest of burdens, then our lives can stand out against
编者按: 交响乐是生命的一种符号,在团体中尤其如此。每种乐器的差异性混合在一起,使得交响乐的声音具有唯一和独特性,我们的生命和我们生活的这个世界都是如此。每个个体带来各自的不同,而这些不同又影响着其他个体。 The auditorium is full of people conversing in the audience. On the stage the performers are shu
【英文原文】 The Amazing Migraine Cure Migraines are an absolute nightmare.The pain is excruciating...and it's often accompanied by nausea,vomiting,and extreme sensitivity to light. But now there's a cure f
【英文原文】 May 12 Florence Nightingale’s Birthday In 1837,to the age of seventeen,Florence Nightingale decided to become a nurse,which horrified1) her whimsical2) mother.In those days,nurses were little m
编者按: 我知道我这样做很不理智, 但我还是直奔县城, 在那里买了一本皮面袖珍词典和一支金笔。我向父亲的遗体告别时把词典和笔放在父亲的那双大手里, 那双手曾经是那样温暖, 那双手曾经让他生活得很美满, 但却从来没有学会写字。 My Father’s Hands His hands were rough and exceedingly1) strong. He could gently prune2
【英文原文1】 Kitty Magic After a meeting one night,I felt very tired.Eager to get home and get to sleep,I was approaching my car when I heard mew,mew,mew,mew...Looking under my car,I saw a teeny little kit
【英文原文】 Excerpt from Tom Jones, chapterⅣ [There was previously] a quarrel between Master Blifil and Tom Jones, the consequence of which had been a bloody nose to the former;for though Master Blifil, no
编者按: 突然,我记起圣诞节快到了,并想起祖母常说的一句话:“当有人从你这儿拿走一样东西时,主动给他,这样你就永远不会遭劫。” Angel on a Doorstep When Ben delivered milk to my home that morning,he wasn’t his usual sunny self.Instead,he was the epitome1) of gloom