真心实意地生活让你关注在你生命中最重要的东西。这样你的视线便逐渐远离纷争,转向对你而言更为重要的事情……你那内心深处的渴望。 The Key to Living a Life of Love Welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I’m Faith. Today, let us share the key to living a life o
真正的热情是, 早上起床后就要精力充沛地去开始一天的工作。你要满腔热情地去工作和对待同事。这会使你得到提高, 并成为更高层次的人。 Enthusiasm Leads To Success Nothing great was ever achieved with out enthusiasm. ――Ralph Waldo Emerson We’ve all had to work and do th
不要害怕因造诣深而产生的孤独感。不必要勉强别人赞识你。做你自己,坚定着你自己的成长,别人是否愿意成长就由他们自己去决定吧。这就是自然界的规则。我们都有选择自己道路的自由。 Hi, welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I'm Faith. We're like the cream. When the cream rises to the to
月色下,我们看不到生活中坚硬的棱角。山坡在月光下如同笼上了一层柔和的银纱;大海在月光下宁静碧蓝;我们在月光下也不再像白日那般心计来往,而是沉醉于自然的情感中。 The Fascinating Moonrise There is a hill near my home that I often climb at night. The noise of the city is a far-off mu
约翰·济慈(JohnKeats,1795年—1821年),出生于18世纪末年的伦敦,他是杰出的英诗作家之一,也是浪漫派的主要成员。 MUCH have I travell’d in the realms of gold, And many goodly states and kingdoms seen; Round many western islands have I been Which ba
编者按: 不要以为讲英语的人都能听懂你的话。如果你讲话太快, 吞音或有口音, 即使讲一口流利英语的外国人也很难听懂你的话。再者, 问题是许多讲英语的外国人很有礼貌, 他们不会告诉你他们没有听懂你的话。 NINE TIPS1) FORCOMMUNICATING SUCCESSFULLY WITH A GLOBAL AUDIENCE2) In our jobs, we may have occasio
爱情痛心…人们都这样说,但是当所有这些伤与痛消却之时,我要再次去爱。 于是我坐下来,思考着所有这一切能带来的影响,我骤然发现原来自己并没有失去任何重要的东西。 相反,我从中收获了经验和智慧,我已经明白:生活中没有任何事情比自身的快乐更重要。 This poem is about someone whom I deeply cared about. The feelings were never r
你可以和我一起去提醒人们,一个人的美丽并不是拿自己与他人比较,真实的美丽在关爱他人、热爱生活中得到绽放。这种美,并不是外在的,也不是精神上的,而是我们真实自我的全部。 Welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I’m Faith.I wish that I could tell every person that I meet that he o
Sometimes our fate resembles a fruit tree in winter: Who would think that those branches would turn green again and blossom, but we hope it, we know it. 有时我们的命运就像冬天里的一棵果树:当时,谁会去想这棵果树的枝叶会再次变绿,开花,但我们一直怀
一旦变换看问题的角度,你的生活会豁然开朗,幸福快乐会接踵而来。别交出掌握命运的主动权,也别指望局面会不可思议的好转。你必须与内心希望与热情步调一致。建立自信,敢于与困难短兵相接,而非绕道而行。记住,力量不是驾驭局势的法宝,无坚不摧的能力才是最重要的。 If your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and the moti
Prayer for My Mother Dear God, Now that I am no longer young,I have friends whose mothers have passed away.I have heard these sons and daughters say they never fully appreciated their mothers until it
约翰·济慈(JohnKeats,1795年—1821年),出生于18世纪末年的伦敦,他是杰出的英诗作家之一,也是浪漫派的主要成员。 My dear Reynolds,- Ever since I wrote to my Brothers form Southhampton I have been in a taking, and at this moment I am about to becom
即便最乐观的半导体研究者都说,以硅为原料的计算机芯片或许最多还能存在15年左右。此后,要在这些晶片上再加进任何电路都是不可能的了:因为晶片越来越小,晶片驱动的计算机也越来越小,越来越智能化。 The first nano1) circuit2) IBM makes the tiniest computer part ever. Even the most optimistic semiconduc
生命中不可能一帆风顺,一路顺畅,人们习惯于接受美好的事,然而当失败或恐惧迎向你时,我深觉似乎很多人无法面对它们,因此失去正视现实生活的勇气。当你觉得沮丧失落能量低迷,别人看见的就是不值得讬付的你;当你觉得天使们都停在你的肩膀上,别人看见的就是光芒万丈的你;当你觉得自在昂扬充满信心,别人看见的就是值得相信的你;当你觉得恩宠满怀希望无限,别人看见的就是明亮灿烂风华绝代的你。 Conquer Fear
当你和真正关爱你的人在一起时,这才是快乐,同时这也是爱与友谊的真正含义。每天当你意识到有人在你身边关爱着你时,你便和爱与喜悦一起重生。 There are times when we are faced with illnesses, disorders, disabilities some type of tragedy that causes us to lose contact with o
如果说诗歌的主要品质是爱,那么散文的主要品质则为其合理公正性。爱使人热情奔放,瞬间爆发,而合理公正,则需要质疑,需要耐心,需要控制情感,即便是那最高尚的激情。 The Cardinal Virtue of Prose Prose of its very nature is longer than verse, and the virtues peculiar to it manifest them
如果有一天你想要哭,请呼唤我,我会和你一起哭泣。如果有一天你想要逃避,尽管呼唤我,我可以和你一起离开。 If one day you feel like crying... Call me. I don’t promise that I will make you laugh, But I can cry with you. If one day you want to run away — Do
成功的关键在于自己,在于自己的智慧,自己的雄心,自己的勇气和决心。对困难有充足的思想准备,努力战胜它们,让艰难的经历成为未来的竞争资本。 To respect my work, my associates and myself. To be honest and fair with them as I expect them to be honest and fair with me. To be
现在有消息说克隆人可能比以前所认为的要容易。 Cloning1) Humans May Have It Easier Most scientists agreed that cloning an entire human being --besides being morally question-able --was fraught with technical obstacles2).Afte
人生不是一场竞赛。 放慢你的脚步,倾听沿途的音符,在音乐还没结束以前。 Have you ever watched kids on a merry-go-round or listened to the rain slapping on the ground? Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight or gazed at the sun into t