The Practice of Peace 心静如水 There are many areas in which peace needs to be accomplished, 许多方面需要做到心静如水: within ourselves, between ourselves and others, 我们的内心,我们和他人之间的关系, and between ourselves and the d
The Song of the River 河之歌 You hear it all along the river. 沿河上下都可以听见那歌声。 You hear it, loud and strong, from the rowers as they urge the junk with its high stern, the mast lashed alongside, down the sw
Happiness is a Journey 幸福是一段旅程 We convince ourselves that life will be better,after we get married, have a baby, then another. 我们总是相信,等我们结了婚,生了一个又一个的孩子之后,生活就会更美好。 Then we're frustrated that the kids a
The Scary New Rich 胆小的新贵 Aristotle believed they were democracy's secret weapon-the protectors of social values,the moderators of political extremism,and believers in a society run by laws instead of
The Poetry of Late Summer 夏末的诗意 One has the leisure of July for perceiving all the differences of the green of leaves. 七月间,人们有余暇观察树叶绿翠的千差万别。 It is no longer a difference in degrees of maturity,for all
The Smile 微笑 I was sure that I was to be killed. 一想到自己明天就没命了, I became terribly nervous. 我不禁陷入极端的惶恐。 I searched my pockets to see if there were any cigarettes, which had escaped their search. 我翻遍了口袋想看
Americans plan parties for many reasons. 美国人举行派对缘由诸多。 As in other cultures, many Americans attend parties for weddings and religious and national holidays. 同其他的文化一样,很多美国人也会在婚礼上,宗教节日和法定假日里举办派对, But som
Is This the Death of Telephone? 固定电话的消亡 The demise of the landline has gone almost unnoticed. 固定电话的消亡几乎是无声无息的。 After all, the din of mundane phone chatter is all around us-on the bus, at the next tabl
Unsolved Mysteries 未解之谜 Over the past several decades,the U.S., Canada, and Europe have received a great deal of media and even research attention over unusual phenomena and unsolved mysteries. 过去几十年里
What Happened to the Word "Sex"? "sex"这个词怎么了? What ever happened to sex? I had to fill out a government form the other day and it ask for my gender, giving town boxes to check, male or female. "sex"这个
British Surnames 英国人的姓氏 The men and women of Anglo-Saxon England normally bore one name only. 英国的安格鲁撒克逊人无论男女通常只有一个名字。 Distinguishing epithets were rarely added. 有区别作用的称号很少加在他们的名字后。 These might be patr
The Habits of the Solitary 习惯性孤独 My bones have been aching again,as they often do in humid weather. 和平常一样遇到天气潮湿,我的骨头又疼起来了。 They ache like history:things long done with, that still remain as pain. 疼起来就
"Melting pot" means a place where people from many different ethnic groups or cultures form a united society. 大熔炉是指这样一个地方,在那里来自不同种族或文化的人们形成了一个和谐统一的社会群体。 The idea comes from heating metals in a contain
The Belly of the Beast 腹中新发现 WHAT dinosaurs ate is, of course,a question as interesting and illuminating as what ate dinosaurs. 恐龙吃什么?当然,这个问题与什么吃恐龙?一样有趣,一样具有启发性。 In the case of one particular dinosaur
Cosmetic Treatment for Men 男性美容 In GEORGES ROMAN'S clinic in London,women queue to see a cosmetic dermatologist renowned for zapping wrinkles and smoothing brows. 伦敦的乔治斯·罗曼的诊所外,女士们排着队来找这位在消除皱纹和眉间除皱方面着
An October Sunrise 十月的日出 I was up the next morning be fore the October sunrise, and away through the wild and the woodland. 第二天凌晨,在十月的太阳升起之前,我已经起身并穿过了旷野和丛林。 The rising of the sun was noble in the cold
What Is Compulsive Overeating? 何为强迫型过度饮食症? Compulsive overeating is a health problem, which can affect women or men, though it appears twice as often among women. 强迫型过度饮食是一个事关健康的问题,男性和女性都有可能患上,但女性患上几率
When a woman walks into a crowded room, 一位女士走进拥挤的房间, what her eyes do in the first moments may determine, 对于任何一个与她目光相遇的男士来说, how attractive she is to any man meeting her gaze. 她前几秒钟的眼神可能决定了她是否迷人可爱。 If
Compulsive overeating generally has a gradual beginning, often starting in early childhood when eating patterns are formed. 强迫型过度饮食最初基本上都开始于从幼年时期形成的饮食习惯。 It usually starts very subtly, when a child tu
Archaeopteryx 始祖鸟 Scientists have determined that Archaeopteryx,the earliest known bird,was definitely birdbrained,meaning no disrespect. 科学家已经确定,已知最古老的鸟类始祖鸟的确是鸟的脑子,这么说并不是对它不敬。 Indeed, they consider t