"I think it's a bit too violent for young people. When people are coming at you to shoot, you stab them and all that and run over people." “我认为这对年轻人来说有点过于暴力。当人们朝你开枪,你刺伤他们,然后撞倒他们。” Ryan McLaughlin, 15
Retinoids go deep into skin where they stimulate cell division. 类维生素A可以深入皮肤,促进细胞分裂。 This has two effect: repairing the top layer of skin and promoting the production of collagen, a protein that makes
What's In a Game? 游戏有什么好玩的? Computer games are a $60 billion industry globally and playing games is a big part of many children's daily lives. 电脑游戏在全球范围内是一个价值600亿美元的产业,它们占据儿童日常生活的大部分时间。 Parents are of
If one can afford to treat the other to a meal at an expensive restaurant and the other does not have enough money to do the same, it will cause problems in the relationship. 如果一个人能够支付起请朋友去昂贵餐厅吃饭的费用,而
Beauty Tips from Supermodel Cindy Crawford 超级名模的靓丽诀窍 When I met supermodel Cindy Crawford, I was amazed that her skin was so perfectly smooth that she appeared not to have pores. 当我见到超模辛迪·克劳馥时,我被她完美光滑
We have been conditioned to believe that IQ is the best measure of human potential. 我们总认为IQ是衡量个人潜力的最佳方式。 In the past 10 years, however, researchers have found that this isn't necessarily the case - 在过
I Won't Let Our Boy Go to University 我不会让儿子上大学 I've refused to allow my stepson Jim to go to university because it will be too expensive and a waste of time. 我不会让我的继子上大学,因为上大学是件既浪费金钱又浪费时间的事情。 People t
What's Wrong with American Idol? 美国偶像怎么了? American Idol is no doubt one of the most popular TV shows of recent years, drawing millions of viewers. 《美国偶像》无疑是近年来最受欢迎的电视节目之一,吸引了数以百万计的观众。 But the show is
In 3 years at school Nkosi had only one accident. He fell in the playground and cut his mouth. 纳考西能在学校待三年纯属一个意外。他曾在操场上摔倒,弄破了自己的嘴。 The bleeding was handled with care. His school performance was satisfa
"After my second child, my belly is flat. But if I bend over to pick something up, I've got extra skin here." She bends over to demonstrate, but there is nothing to see. “生完第二个孩子,我的肚子就平了。但是当我弯腰捡东西的时候,
You should be able to listen to others, communicate well, establish trust, ask questions to stimulate thinking, and develop a sense of teamwork. 你应该能够倾听他人,与他人沟通,建立信任,提出能够激发他人思考的问题,树立团队合作精神。 To demonst
America—Home to Workaholics 美国——工作狂之乡 It is pretty likely that you—or someone you know—is a workaholic. 很可能你是,或者你认识的人是个工作狂。 Workaholics live for their work, often spending many extra ours at work, and
Look 10 Years Younger without Surgery 不靠整容术年轻十岁 We all want do it: defy ageing, look younger, find the fountain of youth. But how many of us actually take the plunge and do something about? 我们希望可以这样:掩
AD begins slowly. At first, the only symptom may be mild forgetfulness. 阿尔茨海默氏病病情开始进展缓慢。最初的病症是轻度的健忘。 In this stage, people may have trouble remembering recent events, activities, or the names of famil
Shopaholics of Our Times 我们这个时代的购物狂 In trying to keep up with the Jones, many people buy more than they can really afford. 人们都试图跟随琼斯,许多人购物超过了他们的承受能力。 For some who purchase many items they neither need
It's also been a great solace to me to believe that you're engaged in vindicating to posterity the course that we've pursued for preserving to them, in all their purity, their blessings of self-govern
If such an accident should occur, apologies are fulsome but should never be used as an excuse for further conversation. 如果这样的意外发生了,不必过分道歉,但决不能借此便交谈起来。 On crowded public transport where it is sometimes
Bermuda Triangle—Devil's Triangle 百慕大三角区——魔鬼三角洲 The Bermuda or Devil's Triangle, an imaginary area located off the southeastern Atlantic coast of the United States, is a complete mystery. 百慕大或者魔鬼三角洲,这
If you wait for someone to give you the green light to create and perform music, you may wait a long time. 如果你要等着别人给你创作音乐和表演的许可证,你可能会等很长时间。 Artists should use their inner belief and the response they
Book of Jeff Bezos 杰夫·贝佐斯的故事 When one thinks of the individuals who have played a great role in the development of the Internet, names like Tim Burners Lee (developer of the World Wide Web), Bill Gate