A Wet Sunday In A Country Inn 乡村客栈一个阴雨的星期天 A wet Sunday in a country inn ! Whoever has had the luck to experience (1)one can alone (2) judge ofmy situation. The rain pattered against the casements; th
Black and White 黑色和白色 All colors are special, but there are something about black and white. 所有颜色都是特殊的,但关于黑色和白色则有些东西。 And I am talking about the combination here that has real power. 而我谈论的是这个组合有真正的力量。
Following a dream 追逐梦想 When I was a younger, I used to dream about becoming a fireman. 当我还年轻的时候,我曾梦想要成为一名消防队员。 I thought wow, wouldn’t it be great to ride around, 我想哇,到处跑会很好, and help people put out f
Quality Time on the Weekend 周末的黄金时光 Do you have any plans for the weekend? 你周末有什么计划吗? I hope you do, if you don't check out the culture page in your local paper or on the internet or just sit down
Waking up and staying up 起床和熬夜 Some people find going to sleep a challenge. 一些人发现睡觉是一种挑战。 But many people find getting up and staying a little and wake a big challenge. 但是许多人发现,起床和熬一小会儿夜之后醒来才是很大的挑战。 I
生命中我们有很多的失望、沮丧和烦恼,我们根本不需要寻找。我们美妙的世界充满了美丽、光明、希望。但是,当我们放眼四周时,为什么浪费时间寻找不快、失望和烦恼,而看不到我们面前的美好事物呢?In life we are happiest when... 生活中我们最幸福 A man and his girlfriend were married. It was a large celebration.
Routines 惯例 I get up everyday at 5:30. 我每天在5:30起床。 I shave and wash up. 我刮胡子,洗脸。 I get a quick-buy to eat. 我顺便很快的吃完早饭。 I'm on the road by 6:30. 我在六点半左右动身。 I get to the studio and have a cup of cof
Feeling 触觉 What if you've got a magic sense of touch? 如果你得到一种魔术般的感觉会怎样? Yes, we do! Isn't it great? I love being able to feel different things, everything has its own unique feel. 是的,我们已经得到了!不
Think Positive Thoughts Every Day 积极看待每一天 If your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and the motivation that you need, sometimes all you have to do is shift your point of view. 如果
I ago Prytherch his name, though, be allowed, Just an ordinary man of the bald Welsh hill Who pens a few sheep in a gap of cloud. Docking mangel chipping the green skin From the yellow bones with a ha
Blue 蓝色 What comes to mind when you think of blue? 当你想到蓝色,脑中会浮现什么? Blue is a cool color. 蓝色是一种酷的颜色。 It's not necessarily cold, but I definitely think It's cool. 它不见得很冷,但我确实认为是很凉爽。 Clear blue s
Dear Arizona, 亲爱的亚利桑那: My brother is so lucky. Good stuff is always happening to him. Do you believe in luck? And if so, how can I get more of it? 我的兄弟运气特别好,常有好事发生在他身上。你相信运气吗?如果真有运气,我怎样才能得到更多一些呢? &mda
The river is famous to the fish. 鱼儿熟知河流。 The loud voice is famous to silence, which knew it would inherit the earth before anybody said so. 寂静熟知高声。 寂静知道,在任何人发声前, 它会接管地球。 The cat sleeping on the fence
Teaching and Learning Responsibility 教与学的责任 "Teaching a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime." "教一个人钓鱼,你喂饱他一辈子。" It sounds good in theory. 论上听起来不错。 But is it realistic to m
Pets and dogs 宠物和狗 When I was in the fifth grade, I moved to the country. 当我在五年级的时候,我搬到了乡下。 We had pigs, chickens, rabbits, fish, turtles, cats, dogs and a horse. 我们有猪、鸡、兔、鱼、龟、猫、狗和马。 I would run every
我们无法选择出生,无法选择父母,无法选择出生的历史时期与国家……但是在这些无法选择之中,我们的确可以选择自己的生活方式…… It is not difficult to imagine a world short of ambition. It would probably be a kinder world: with out demand
Levels of Communication 3 交际面面观 Evaluative communication: Offering opinions, ideas and judgments to others. 评价交流:告诉别人自己的观点,主意和评价。 This is risky business because the odds are that others will give thei
Discovery in a Thunderstorm 雷雨中的醒悟 Many years ago I was on a bicycle trip through some exceedingly picturesque countryside. Suddenly, dark clouds piled up overhead and rain began to fall, but strange
Life is like a train ride. We get on. We ride. We get off. We get back on and ride some more. There are accidents and there are delays. At certain stops there are surprises. Some of these will transla
Sight 视觉 Every once in a while on a weekend, my family and I go to the local park, and shoot off some small fireworks. 偶尔在周末的时候,我和我的家人会去当地公园,燃放一些很小的烟花。 Then we light some sparklers and run around unti