President's Radio Address THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Americans are concerned about the high price of gasoline. Everyone who commutes to work, purchases food, ships a product, or takes a family vacat
President Bush Discusses Economy and Tax Cuts THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all for coming. I want to thank Dr. Lindsey and Bob Carroll, and John and Marty -- thank you all for talking about the benefits a
President Bush Discusses Energy THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. I want to thank Secretary Kempthorne and Secretary Bodman for joining me. For many Americans, there is no more pressing concern than the pr
奥巴马发表演讲缅怀马丁•路德•金Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 这番演讲发表于印第安纳州纪念马丁•路德•金遇刺40周年的集会上。在此番演讲中,奥巴马号召美国人民继续金博士终生追求的事业——追求社会正义和经济正义,并指出要实现马丁•路德•金的美国梦还有很长的路要走。本文大量引用了马丁•路德•金在被刺杀前夕的布道演讲“I’ve been to the
President Bush Participates in Joint Press Availability with United Kingdom Prime Minister Brown PRIME MINISTER BROWN: Im delighted to welcome President Bush and the First Lady back to London. And his
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This week Im traveling in Europe. In the past few days, I have visited Slovenia, Germany, Italy, and the Vatican. Im spending this Saturday in France. And I will conclude
President Bush Departs for Europe THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Im just about to leave for Europe. Im looking forward to my trip. Im looking forward to meeting with our friends and allies. Weve got str
希拉里在民主党全国代表大会的英语演讲,英语演讲视频及演讲稿,美国呼吁大家投票的目标好似永远也离不了孩子、医疗等等,希拉里更是抑仰顿错,演讲颇为深情。批判麦凯恩那一段太有力了。 Hillary Clinton 2008年DNC民主党代会上的英语演讲稿:I am honored to be here tonight. A proud mother. A proud Democrat. A proud
本次演讲是奥巴马在北卡罗来纳州初选获胜的感言,地点是在北卡罗来纳州州立大学的雷诺兹体育馆。从1月3日初选开始以来,为赢取党内提名,奥巴马和希拉里展开了旷日持久、势均力敌的争夺战,两大选举阵营投入了大量人力和物力进行选举宣传战,彼此互有攻击。但因为希拉里在选举人票数上一直落后于奥巴马,所以她的选举阵营就加大了对奥巴马的攻击力度。在本次演讲中,奥巴马强调了民主党要团结一致对抗共和党候选人麦凯恩。 No
美国总统奥巴马与其夫人发表了2010年圣诞节英语演讲,祝全国人民圣诞节快乐,鼓励全国人民支持军队及军人的家属,强调了军人保家卫国的牺牲奉献精神。 The President and First Lady Extend Christmas Greeting and Urge Americans to Support the Troops and Their Families Weekly Addre
美国总统奥巴马2009年6月4日在埃及开罗大学发表演讲时说,美国与全世界的穆斯林应在共同利益和相互尊重的基础之上有一个“新开端”,美国与伊斯兰世界并不排斥,不需要相互竞争。奥巴马同时说,美国与伊斯兰世界的关系不可能在一夜之间改变。他呼吁双方开诚布公,相互倾听,相互学习,相互尊重,寻找共同点。 (小编:更多名校毕业演讲视频及演讲稿)REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT Cairo Uni
奥巴马日本东京英语演讲视频及演讲稿,谈论的是关于美国对于亚洲的政策,下面是演讲稿全文 Remarks of President Barack Obama Suntory Hall Tokyo, Japan November 14, 2009奥巴马东京演讲英语演讲稿: Good morning. It is a great honor to be in Tokyo—the first stop on
奥巴马演讲《Their Lives Are a Model for Us All 他们是我们学习的榜样》,这是奥巴马2008年5月26日在阵亡将士纪念日集会上的演讲,地点为美国新墨西哥州,听众中大部分为军人。Memorial Day是美国大多数州都要纪念的节日,时间为5月的最后一个星期一。美国总统同时也是三军总司令,所以争取得到军人的支持尤显重要,奥巴马利用阵亡将士纪念日向美国军人表示敬意,一方面
President Bush Welcomes 2008 National and State Teachers of the Year to the White House THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Good morning. Welcome to the White House. Welcome to the Rose Garden. We're walking
PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you very much. Mr. Secretary General, thank you for your hospitality. Its good to see you again. I remember our days together in the la frontera de Tejas y México, when I was the
President Bush Briefed on Midwest Flooding THE PRESIDENT: I've just assembled my -- many people on my domestic policy team to discuss the current flooding in the Midwest. Of course, our hearts and tho
President Bush Discusses the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and Funding For Troops THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This week Congress moved forward on two important issues affecting the national s
奥巴马一家首次在白宫过圣诞节,首次发表圣诞节演讲,强调家庭,及照顾军人家庭。 Remarks of President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama Weekly Address December 24, 2009 PRESIDENT: Hello everyone, and Merry Christmas. As you and your