奥巴马演讲:《The America We Love 我们所热爱的美国》,这是奥巴马2008年6月30日在杜鲁门总统的故乡密苏里州独立城所作的演讲。自从奥巴马参选美国总统以来,竞争对手一直利用他非裔美国人的身份质疑并攻击他的爱国情怀,比如批评他没有佩戴国旗胸针、没有宣誓对美国效忠,攻击他唱国歌时没有把手放在胸口等等。在这样真真假假的媒体攻势下,大批选民被蒙蔽,开始怀疑奥巴马是否是一个爱国者。为此,
Today, we stand at a defining moment in our history. With seven straight months of job loss; the highest percentage of homes in foreclosure since the Great Depression; family incomes down $1,000 and t
Great creativity. In times of need, we need great creativity. Discuss. Great creativity is astonishingly, absurdly, rationally, irrationally powerful. Great creativity can spread tolerance, champion f
The chiefs who have been at the head of the Army for many years have formed a Government. 我们的政府由担任了多年军队领导职务的将领们组成。 This government, alleging the defeat of our armies, has made contract with the enemy
Good evening. There are still some very important votes to be taken by members of Congress, but I want to announce that the leaders of both parties, in both chambers, have reached an agreement that wi
IOWA CAUCUS NIGHT 爱荷华州之夜:尽管奥巴马已经当了一届总统,再回去回顾奥巴马当年的演讲依然听得热血沸腾,一个成功的演讲家,懂得如何让自己被大家信任和支持,奥巴马能获胜的最重要的原因就是这充满激情的演讲,中国选秀节目一拉票就煽情,不会煽情就跟奥巴马学习,没有人流同情的眼泪,有的只是热血澎湃和激动。这篇演讲被收录在胡敏的《跟奥巴马学英语》的第二章。 2008年1月3日,爱荷华州首府得
SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, I am so delighted that this day has finally come. (Laughter.) And I am especially grateful to Gary’s and Mona and their children and to all of you for your patience and
奥巴马演讲精选第十篇:Veterans Should be Honored 向老兵致敬,奥巴马的选举力量来自基层民众,但是美国总统同时也是三军总司令,所以争取得到军人的支持尤显重要。基于自己并没有在军队服过役,更没有对手麦凯恩的赫赫战功可以向世人炫耀,奥巴马利用美国国庆前夕向退伍军人表示敬意,这一方面是他真情的流露,另一方面也是选举的需要。尽管美国北达科他州历来是共和党的天下,即所谓的红州,但奥巴
Weekly Address: Addressing Puerto Rico’s Economic Crisis 解决波多黎各的金融危机 Hi, everybody. Today, I want to talk with you about the crisis in Puerto Rico – and why it matters to all of us. 大家好。今天
I’m here to offer you a new way to think about my field,今天来到这里,是想邀请大家从一个新的角度来看我熟悉的领域: artificial intelligence.人工智慧。 I think the purpose of AI我认为人工智慧的目的, is to empower humans with machine intelli
Let me begin by saying that we have been mourning with you throughout these difficult days. Our hearts have been aching with you. We keep our thoughts with the survivors who are recovering and resting
美国第一夫人米歇尔在俄勒冈州立大学发表2012毕业演讲。在演讲开始时Michelle有点紧张,不过慢慢适应了演讲的环境。高清无字幕,语速适中,附有英语演讲稿完整版,一起来见证一下美国第一夫人的风采吧! This draft text used by first lady Michelle Obama for her commencement address at Oregon State Univ