There is a saying that who you socialize with defines who you are. 有一句话叫:你的社交关系决定了你是什么样的人。 I find it very inspiring. 我觉得这话很有道理。 Find a healthier socializing way. 找些更有营养的社交方式吧。 Don't fall into the pit
Am I That Easy to Forget? 我就如此无足轻重? They say you found somebody new 有人说你有了新目标 But that won't stop my loving you 但这不会减少我对你的爱 I just can't let you walk away 我只是不愿看着你这样走开 Forget the love I had for you 这样
The Common Man 普通人 The common man gets up in the morning 他起个大早 To work in order to feed his family 赚钱养家 The common man struggles to make ends meet 勉强糊口 Not letting his family go hungry 不让家人挨饿受冻 The co
三人行必有我师 孔子曰“三人行,则必有我师。” 是故弟子不必不如师,师不必贤于弟子。 闻道有先后,术业有专攻,如是而已。 Confucius said "If three men are walking together, one of them is bound to be good enough to be my teacher." A student is not necessarily i
To a Sad Girl by Uriah Hamilton 写给一个悲伤的女孩--乌利亚·汉密尔顿 There is no way to explain 这无止尽的忧伤和悲痛 Unending sorrow and grief 从来无从解释 No way to kiss a young girl's cheek 就像失去挚友亲朋时 In a way that would give her ba
Mr.Dawson was an old grouch, and everyone in town knew it. Kids knew not to go into his yard to pick a delicious apple, even off the ground, because old Dawson, they said, would come after you with hi
Thoughts In A Tranquil Night 静夜思 Athwart the bed, I watch the moonbeams cast a trail 床前明月光 So bright, so cold, so frail that for a space it gleams like hoar-frost on the margin of my dreams 疑是地上霜 I ra
Only In Sleep -- by Sara Teasdale 只在睡梦中--莎拉·蒂斯黛尔 Only in sleep, I see their faces 在睡梦中,我才能看得到儿时的玩伴 Children I played with when I was a child 他们的笑脸如此真切 She comes back with her brown hair braided 她绑着棕色的
Brighton Beach By Allan Taylor 《布莱顿海滩》--艾伦·泰勒 Young girl, so pretty 年轻的女孩,如此美丽 Young boy, not a hair on his face 年轻的男孩,脸上还未有胡须 They're looking out at the big wide world 他们面朝着广阔天地 This was their time,
"She had forgotten how the August night" By Edna St. Vincent Millay 她已经忘记了那个八月的夜晚--埃德娜·文森特·默蕾 She had forgotten how the August night was level as a lake beneath the moon 她已经忘记了那个八月的夜晚,夜平静的像月下的湖面 In wh
What’s the point, wasting time 有什么意义?不过是浪费时间 But how many times you stand up for yourself 但多少次你为自己打气 Make a point, you have a reason 你说,你有自己的理由 You know, it’s not fair 你知道,世界并不公平 Your life, belongs to
Prepare for disappointed 做好失望的准备 I only needed a soul 我仅仅需要一个伴侣 To share, to kiss and to hold 来接受我的轻吻和拥抱 But only found this dark hole 但我只有这空荡的房间 Someone unbearably cold 和这难忍的孤寂 And though I tried to
时至中秋 天朗气清 月圆皎洁 阖家团圆 今日为中秋遇上国庆的双节在一起的“中国节”, 在此,孟叔也祝屏幕前的你 中秋国庆双节快乐、好事双来,安康如意! 《八月十五日看潮五绝》 苏轼 定知玉兔十分圆,化作霜风九月寒。 寄语重门休上钥,夜潮流向月中看。 Watching the Tidal Bore on Mid-autumn Festival The moon with jade-rabbit mu
《你见或者不见我》这首诗歌可以挖掘自2008年,这首诗被刊登在《读者》第20期,改题作《见与不见》,因为风格相似被刊物署名为仓央嘉措著,因此多被讹传为仓央嘉措所作。通过电影我们知道了这首诗之后,大家通俗的称之为《你见或者不见我》。但是这首诗歌的真实名字是班扎古鲁白玛的沉默,作者是扎西拉姆多多。 It doesn't matter if you see me or not 你见,或者不见我 I'm
City of stars 星光之城啊 Are you shining just for me? 你是否只愿为我闪耀 City of stars 星光之城啊 There's so much that I can't see 世间有太多不可明了 Who knows? 谁又能明了 I felt it from the first embrace I shared with you 我感觉到自你我初次拥
Summer Night, Riverside by Sara Teasdale 河边夏夜--莎拉·蒂斯黛尔 Autoplay next video in the wild soft summer darkness 不羁的夏夜里,电视兀自放着 How many and many a night we two together 你我就这么坐在一起,多少次 Sat in the park and wa
The Lone Soldier by Bryan Gunn 孤单斗士--布赖恩·冈恩 I walk with no man, I always walk alone 我向来独行 My soul made of fire and my heart of stone 火淬的灵魂和磐石般的心 I have no pain, ignoring all that I feel 让我不畏疼痛,无为所动 Wi
Into Death Bravely by Jimmy Santiago Baca 向死而生--吉米·圣地亚哥·巴卡 Winter throws his great white shield on the ground 冬日向大地掷下那雪白的坚盾 Breaking thin arms of twisting branches 折了曲折孱弱的残枝 And then howls on the nort
On This Romantic Full Moon Night by Dipankar Sadhukhan 在这浪漫的月圆夜--迪潘卡·瑟德忽克汗 My thoughts seem to be paralyzed 思绪停滞 And my poetic mind like a physician 但诗意渐浓 Tries to cure them instead of writing verses
Hope Is Not Lost by Jessica Millsaps 永不逝去的希望--杰西卡·米尔萨普斯 When the desperation hit 当绝望袭来 When the people cried in the streets 当人们泪洒街头 When everything felt at loss 当一切都迷失之时 Hope stayed, even though fleei