Guilt 愧疚 I value my freedom, so I neither give nor receive guilt. 我珍惜自己的自由,因此我即不产生也不接受愧疚。 I love and accept myself exactly as I am. 我爱并接受自己本来的模样。 This is a good affirmation for releasing guilt. 这是摆脱愧疚
OLD TAPES 老旧的录音带 Have your mother made a tape telling you how wonderful you are. 让你的母亲为你录一段声音,夸赞你是多么出色。 I live in the Now. 我活在当下。 Old tapes of my childhood used to run my life. 孩提时听到的大人们的那些声音像老录音带一样常常
Housekeeping 做家务 I continually clean the rooms of my mind. 我不断清理心灵的家园。 Simple household chores are a snap for me. 简单的家务活对我而言是一种休息。 I make housework fun. 干家务也是一种乐趣。 I begin anywhere and move through th
Family 家庭 I picked the prefect set of parents for this lifetime. 此生,我选择了一对完美的父母。 All living beings are part of my family. 所有的生命都是我的家人。 I envelop my entire family in a circle of love--those who are liv
NEWS 新闻 I spread the good news. 我传播正面新闻。 I envision positive news reports. 我期待正面的新闻报道。 We read so much in the news about disasters; there is so much bad news flooding our consciousness. 如今的新闻中充斥着大量灾难性
Affirmations 肯定 I use my affirmations wisely. 对肯定善加利用。 In the beginning is the word. 从正面词汇开始。 Every single thought I have and every sentence I speak is an affirmation. 我每每所想所说的都是一种肯定。 It’s either posi
Elder Years 变老 I love experiencing every age. 我爱走过的每一年。 I rejoice in each passing year. 我为度过的每一年感到快乐。 In the early part of this century, the life expectancy was 49 years. 20世纪初,人类平均寿命为49岁。 Today it is