Next, I'll travel to the ancient city of Jerusalem to talk with my good friend, Prime Minister Netanyahu, 接下来,我要前往耶路撒冷古城,与我的老朋友——以色列内塔尼亚胡总理探讨 about bringing peace and prosperity to both our nations. 如
My fellow Americans, this weekend I begin my first trip overseas as president – a trip with historic significance for the American people. 我的美国同胞们,本周我将以总统的身份首次开启出国访问之旅,这次出访对美国民众有历史性意义。 I will be visit
Finally, I will close my trip by saying thank you to some of the courageous men and women of the United State Military serving their nation overseas. 最后,我要感谢在海外服役的英勇美国儿女,以此来结束访问之旅。 In my Inaugural Add