So tonight, while I will talk about the power and potential of Information Technology, I hope the temper of my remarks with the perspective I had when I came to IBM five years ago, the perspective of
The trend in data storage is even more impressive. In the early 80s, the standard unit of computer storage, one mega-byte, or one million bytes of information, cost about 100 dollars. Today, it is 10
Good evening! It is a great honor for me to share this stage with the Lord Mayor, chief executive of Hannover, with Mr. Yang, and in a few minutes with Chancellor Kohl. 各位晚上好!非常荣幸能够与汉诺威市市长、Yang 先生共同出席
In the farmer suitacle industry, the ability to simulate the interaction of chemicals, and do it in the computer rather than in test-tubes and Petri dishes, can speed up by years the discovery and tes
I believe there are two trends that are most significant here, and bare the closest watching. 我认为现在有两个最重要的趋势,并需要我们密切关注。 The first is what we call deep computing. The term is inspired by our chess-play