All of us ought to be able to brace ourselves for the predictable challenges and setbacks that crop up everyday. If we expect that life won’t be perfect, we’ll be able to avoid that impulse to quit. B
My fellow Americans, each month families across the country work very, very hard to balance their budgets 我的美国同胞们,每个月全美的家庭都非常辛苦地工作来平衡收支, and to make the tough choices necessary to take care of their l
And the big thing for me is economic growth, which is not possible without safety and security. 促进经济增长是我的大事,而若缺少安全和保障,经济便难以好转。 We will grow our economy; it is growing already. 我们要发展我们的经济,而现已初见成效。 It w
So, in other aspects of life that are much more significant than buying things, the same explosion of choice is true. Health care. 同样,在生活里的其它一些比购物更对我们产生影响事情上,这种选择的爆炸同样存在。医疗保健。 It is no longer the case
Sorry if you're not New Yorkers. 不过你如果不是纽约人的话,我先道个歉。 Here's what you're supposed to be thinking. Here's this couple on the Hamptons. 但这是你此时此刻应该想的事。看看汉普顿的这两口子。 Very expensive real estate. Gorgeous beac
Something as dramatic as our identity has now become a matter of choice, as this slide is meant to indicate. 如今像我们的性别身份这类的事都成了选择的话题了,就像这张幻灯片试图说明的那样。 We don't inherit an identity; we get to invent it.
Now, as a policy matter -- I'm almost done -- as a policy matter, the thing to think about is this: 我快说完了。现在说说一个政策问题,我们该想想的一个政策问题是, what enables all of this choice in industrial societies is material
I'm going to talk to you about some stuff that's in this book of mine that I hope will resonate with other things you've already heard, 我想在这里谈谈我这本书里的部分内容,希望它和你们已经听到过的一些事物引起共鸣, and I'll try to make som
He had no idea what that was, so I spent an hour trying on all these damn jeans, 他一头雾水,结果我花了一个钟头试穿了所有这些该死的牛仔裤, and I walked out of the store -- truth! -- with the best-fitting jeans I had ever had. I
There is one corner, by the way, that I'm not going to tell anybody about, where the WiFi actually works. 但是,这个饭店里的确有一个地方可以无线上网。 I'm not telling you about it because I want to use it. 可我不会告诉你们在哪,不告诉你的
I want to say -- just a little autobiographical moment -- that I actually am married to a wife, and she's really quite wonderful. 我想抽一点时间说说自己,我娶了我现在的太太,她是一个很好的妻子。 I couldn't have done better. I didn't
You really want to get the decision right if it's for all eternity, right? 当你进入极乐世界时,你一定希望你做出的决定是正确的,是吗? You don't want to pick the wrong mutual fund, or the wrong salad dressing. So that's one effect
This is my supermarket. Not such a big one. I want to say just a word about salad dressing. 这是我家附近的一个超市。不算很大。我只想说说这里的色拉调料。 175 salad dressings in my supermarket, 我这家超市有175种各式色拉调料, if you don't count t
We all know what's good about it, so I'm going to talk about what's bad about it. 我们都知道它的好处。那么就让我来说说它的不好之处吧。 All of this choice has two effects, two negative effects on people. 所有这些选择对人们有两个影响,而且是两个负面的
Judges are not supposed to re-write the law, re-invent the Constitution, 法官不该改写法律、改造宪法, or substitute their own opinions for the will of the people expressed through their laws. 不该用自己的观点替代人民通过法律表达的意愿。
One of the most important decisions a President will ever make is the decision to nominate a Justice to the United States Supreme Court. 作为美国总统将会做的最重要的决定之一,就是向美国最高法院提名法官人选。 Last week, Justice Anthony