Men make a thousand sperm every second and to have an effective contraceptive, 每秒中,男性可生产出一千个精子,所以有效的避孕药 you need to get that level of sperm production down to one percent of its normal value. 必须把这个精子生
Obviously, the impact of such a male contraceptive would go well beyond reproductive biology. 当然了,这样的男性避孕药影响的肯定不只是生殖生物学。 It's interesting to speculate about the effect that it would have on relationsh
One approach that's finally becoming a real possibility is better contraceptive options for men. Think about it. 一种即将成为现实的办法是针对男性的更好的避孕措施。想想吧。 We have over a dozen methods of contraception for women:
When I tell people that I'm trying to develop a contraceptive pill for men, 当我跟别人说我正在尝试研发男性避孕药时, the response usually varies along gender lines. 对方的反应一般取决于性别。 Women say something like, "Fantastic. It'