So which brings me back to Felix. OK, I left him suspended in the air, right? 说到这儿,我再回过头说说费利克斯。呃,我让他悬在了空中,不是吗? After leaping into the great unknown, he went into a free fall. 在跳进无尽的未知世界后,他开始了自由落体运动。 A
Now let's return to Felix. He's in his violent death spin, remember? 现在让我们回到费利克斯。他还在剧烈地旋转中,感觉要死了,还记得吧? Fifteen seconds into the jump, he's going at 844 miles an hour -- or as the physics majors know -
This year, we commemorated the 50th anniversary of the March on Selma; 今年,我们举行了塞尔玛游行50周年纪念活动; people of all faiths came together to walk to the Alabama State Capitol to demand the passage of the Votin
You see, at college, you have a fair amount of control around your social interactions. 要知道,在大学里,你们还可以掌控不少自己的社交活动。 You can decide who to sit next to in class; you can decide who to room with. 你们可以决定课堂
It was bite-sized bravery that compelled you to take that applied mathematics class. 正是这种小勇敢驱使你报了应用数学课; It was bite-sized bravery that led you to speak out when everyone agreed on a topic in session,
What a day! I want to send my congratulations to the USC Class of 2015 and all of those who celebrate and champion now! 多好的一天!我要祝贺南加州大学2015届的毕业生们以及所有前来庆祝和支持的人! Now, I would like to ask the graduates t
And even if you don't have support from the top, I urge you to participate fully: 即使你们没有高层的支持,我也劝你们充分参与其中: not in a cocky or smug way, but with confidence and humility. 不是以一种自以为是或自鸣得意的方式参与,而是要满怀自信并保持谦
Even when my childhood was filled with some of her brutal pragmatism, 尽管我的童年充满了她那种残酷的实用主义思想, she always gave us a tremendous amount of love and encouragement. 但她总是给予我们莫大的爱和鼓励。 And what mattered most t
I can tell you, I am truly grateful to now have my own degree from USC, 我可以告诉你们,现在我有了自己的南加州大学学位,我对此真的很感激, and I cherish this honor as well as the opportunity to speak to you. 我很珍惜这份荣誉,也很珍惜这次和你们讲话的机会。
Did Felix make it? OK, we're gonna leave him suspended in free fall for a minute and come back to him. 费利克斯成功了吗?好吧,我们先不管他,让他再做一会儿自由落体运动,然后再回过头来讲他。 In the meantime, I'm very excited to be here -- on so
OK, equation number one: Hard work plus bravery equals success. 好的,第一个等式:勤奋加勇敢等于成功。 However you define success, set your sights high. Be a hard grader on yourself. 无论你如何定义成功,都要抬高眼界。要对自己严厉一些。 When I st