加拿大杯BP 辩论锦标赛开始报名啦 2024赛事具体安排已出 内附赛事与课程报名二维码 The CANADA CUP(Canada Cup 2024)is a prestigious BP debate tournament that seeks to go above and beyond what is typically offered at a high school debat
加拿大杯BP 辩论锦标赛开始报名啦 2024赛事具体安排已出 内附赛事与课程报名二维码 The CANADA CUP(Canada Cup 2024)is a prestigious BP debate tournament that seeks to go above and beyond what is typically offered at a high school debat
加拿大杯BP 辩论锦标赛开始报名啦 2024赛事具体安排已出 内附赛事与课程报名二维码 The CANADA CUP(Canada Cup 2024)is a prestigious BP debate tournament that seeks to go above and beyond what is typically offered at a high school debate tou
超高性价比海外营&锦标赛: 美国西雅图大学学术辩论&锦标赛夏令营 加拿大杯 2023/ Canada Cup 2023 时间:2023年6月24-25日 赛制:BP赛制 平台: Zoom The CANADA CUP(Canada Cup 2023)is a prestigious BP debate tournament that seeks to go above a