To stem the economic fallout from COVID-19, developed countries have injected an unprecedented US$9 trillion into their economies. The International Monetary Fund has recommended sustained fiscal supp
Homi Kharas and Kristofer Hamel Wednesday, May 6, 2020 Chief Operating Officer - World Data Lab Using the methods described in the World Poverty Clock, we ask what will happen to the number of poor pe
The International Monetary Fund issued a report Tuesday on the current global economic outlook. The IMF is projecting global growth will contract by more than 4% this year. That’s slightly better than
The deep COVID-19 crisis has resulted in the largest decline in global energy demand over the past 70 years. In the first quarter of 2020, it decreased by 3.8 percent relative to the first quarter of
Over 80 per cent of the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) Covid-19 loans recommend poor countries hit hard by the economic fallout from the pandemic adopt tough new austerity measures in the afterma
Oscar Williams-Grut A daily wage laborer worker at a construction site in Uttar Pradesh, north India. The IMF said day labourers will be particularly vulnerable to falling into extreme poverty. Photo: