The gang member reportedly entered our country through glaring loopholes for unaccompanied alien minors. 据报道,该帮派成员是通过"无人陪伴外国未成年人"这一明显漏洞进入我国的。 The Democrats allow those loopholes to be there. 民主党允许这些漏洞
MS-13 gang members are truly, and you've heard me say it, "animals". MS-13黑帮成员是真正的--我也曾说过的--"畜生"。 And yet Nancy Pelosi and Washington Democrats continue to protect them and to push for open borders. 然
"Every day at 5:23, I feel like she's going to come through that door, but I know she's not." "每天早上的5:23,我都感觉她要走进那道门,但我知道她不会了。" Those are the words and heartbreaking they are of Elizabeth Alvarado, 这些