Do you think it's possible to control someone's attention? 你们觉得人的注意力是可控制的吗? Even more than that, 或者更进一步, what about predicting human behavior? 人的行为可预知吗? I think those are interesting ideas, if
This would put a pipeline to take natural gas 将设置天然气运输管线 from the Beaufort Sea through the heart 从波弗特海穿越 of the third largest watershed basin in the world, 世上第三大水域中心 and the only one which is 95 perce
Dr. Ma Thida, a leading human rights activist 马提达博士,一位人活跃的权运动领袖 who had nearly died in prison 曾经几乎丧命于狱中 and had spent many years in solitary confinement, 并在单独禁锢中度过多年, told me she was grateful to her j
And they went on and on, 他们滔滔不绝地说着, and the soldier watched, 而那名士兵看着他们, and then he sat there for a full minute 知道他们说完了之后, after they were finished 他坐在那里待了整整一分钟, and looked at us so bedraggled in the
And the Athabasca River drains downstream 阿萨帕斯卡尔河下游 to a range of Aboriginal communities. 即原住民聚集地 In Fort Chippewa, the 800 people there, 奇普怀恩堡有800位居民 are finding toxins in the food chain, 食物链中含有毒性物质
This is one of the reasons why Canada, 这就是为何加拿大 originally a climate change hero -- 它原本是环保英雄- we were one of the first signatories of the Kyoto Accord. 我们是第一批签署京都议定书的国家之一 Now we're the country tha
We cannot bear a pointless torment, 我们不能承担无谓的痛苦, but we can endure great pain 但如果我们认定它是有意义的, if we believe that it's purposeful. 我们就能忍受巨大的痛苦。 Ease makes less of an impression on us 安逸比起挣扎并不会对 than
The world's largest and most devastating 世上最大、最具破坏性的 environmental and industrial project 环境及工业计划 is situated in the heart 发生于 of the largest and most intact forest in the world, 世上最大、保存最完整的森林当中 C
Pardon me. 不好意思。 I don't think I need this clicker anymore. You can have that. 我觉得我不需要这个遥控器了,给你吧。 Thank you very much. I appreciate that. 谢谢,非常感谢! Come on up to the stage, Joe. Let's play a li
The oil produced from either method 藉由以上两种方式开采的原油 produces more greenhouse gas emissions than any other oil. 比以其他方式 开采的原油排放更多温室气体 This is one of the reasons why it's called 这正是它被称为 the world's
And I think particularly now, 我认为尤其是目前 as we see ourselves in a time of environmental crisis, 我们明白人类身处环境危机时代 we can learn so much from these people 我们可从这些族群身上学到许多东西 who have lived so sustainably in th
We need to ensure that these wetlands and forests 我们必须保护这些湿地和森林 that are our best and greatest and most critical 它是对抗全球暖化最佳、最有利 defense against global warming are protected, 最重要的防线 and we are not rele
and you need to fold the worst events of your life 你必须把生命中最糟糕的时间, into a narrative of triumph, 揉搓成胜利的故事, evincing a better self 用更好的自己 in response to things that hurt. 来还击能伤害你的事物。 One of the other mot
But if you banish the dragons, 但如果你驱逐了恶龙, you banish the heroes, 你也同时驱逐了英雄, and we become attached 而我们无法放下 to the heroic strain in our own lives. 我们生命中英雄的那一部分。 I've sometimes wondered 我有时候会问自己 whe
Mel Gibson's Passion Of The Christ not glamorous. Mel Gibson的耶稣受难记不属于这类范畴。 That's glamour: 这就是魅力。 that's Michelangelo's Pieta, where Mary is the same age as Jesus and they're both
And sprezzatura is the art that conceals art. sprezzatura. 是那种浑然天成的艺术。 It makes things look effortless. 它使得事物简约易懂。 You don't think about how Nicole Kidman is maneuvering that dress she just looks
This is from Triumph Of The Will brilliant editing to cut together things. 这个是来自电影意志的胜利剪辑的工作做的非常棒。 There's a glamour shot. 这个快照很赞。 National Socialism is all about glamour. 纳粹主义和魔力紧紧相连。 It was a ve
And the way we deal with that is we displace them we put them into a golden world, an imagined world,an age of heroes, the world to come. 而我们处理它的方式就是将其替换掉我们将其放入到流金岁月,幻想的世界中,即将到来的,英雄的时代。 And in the lif
Well of course, in the 20th century,glamour came to have this different meaning associated with Hollywood. 当然,在20世纪,魅力开始和好莱坞联系在一起从而拥有了各种不同的含义。 And this is Hedy Lamarr. 这是Hedy Lamarr。 Hedy Lamarr said,
Mobility in developing world cities 在世界上发展中国家城市里 is a very peculiar challenge, 流动性是一个非常严峻的挑战 because different from health 因为它和健康 or education or housing, 教育或住房不同 it tends to get worse as societies be