My name is Dan Cohen, and I am academic, as he said. 我叫丹·科恩,我是个学者,就像主持人介绍的。 And what that means is that I argue. 这意味着我经常需要辩论。 It's an important part of my life, and I like to argue. 这是我生命中的重要组成部分,
I'm sure that, throughout the hundred-thousand-odd years of our species' existence, and even before, 我十分确信在人类诞生以来的大概10万多年,甚至比这更长的时间里 our ancestors looked up at the night sky, and wondered what
This was the very first. 这是初次尝试(的一张照片)。 Not terribly damaged, but where the water had caused 还不算毁坏得太严重,但是被水浸没的地方 that discoloration on the girl's face had to be repaired with such accuracy and del
Why a marriage contract and not any other reason for regular annual action? 为什么是一纸婚书而不是其他什么原因使普西芬妮定期往返呢? Here is one. Persephone wasn't released. 我且来举个例子:普西芬妮并没有被放走 She escaped, and returns every
Two years ago, after having served four years in the United States Marine Corps 两年前,我在美国海军陆战队服役了四年 and deployments to both Iraq and Afghanistan, 也曾调配到伊朗和阿富汗 I found myself in Port-au-Prince, leading a
At the time, what they thought 在那个时候,启蒙学者们认为 distinguished science was a radical idea about things unseen, known as empiricism. 科学的独特标志是一个关于不可见事物的激进看法,叫做经验主义 All knowledge derives from the senses. 认为所
This was basically an attempt to teach our schoolchildren 这个算是尝试着教正在上学的孩子们 that if we did get engaged in a nuclear confrontation and atomic war, 如果我们真的被卷入一次核冲突或者核战争 then we wanted our school children
Beyond these technical solutions, 除了这些技术层面的措施意外, our work at the Georgetown Climate Center with communities 我们位于乔治城气候中心和社区共同工作 encourages them to look at what existing legal and policy tools are avail
That all that, discovered in 40 years, 这40年中的所有发现 had not been in the previous hundred thousand, 是数千年来所未有的 was not for lack of thinking about stars, and all those other urgent problems they had. 而这可不能
Now, to say this is not to say that we have got the perfect solution in our own society. 我这么说,并不是说我们的社会有最完美的解答 For instance, this is what it's like to go to a newsstand almost anywhere in the civilize
And if the results come out that actually they do, 如果结论是她们真的快乐 are you prepared to shift your instinctive current judgment on some of these issues? 你准备好改变你现在在这些议题上的直观判断了吗? Well yeah, modulo one obviou
But if questions affect human well-being 但如果这个问题是影响到人身幸福的 then they do have answers, whether or not we can find them. 他们是有答案的,无论我们找不着得到 And just admitting this -- just admitting that there are right a
OK, now, you all saw what changed, right? 好,你们都看到了什么东西改变了,对吧? How many of you noticed that every one of those squares changed color? 有多少人注意到每一个方块都变了颜色? Every one. I'll just show you by running it
A lot of people want to believe in this concept of moral progress. 许多人想要相信道德进步的这个概念 But can you reconcile that? 但是这有可能达到和谐吗? I think I understood you to say that you could 我想我了解你所说的 reconcile that wit
One of the most common ways of dividing the world 一个把人类分成两大部分很普遍的方法 is into those who believe and those who don't--into the religious and the atheists. 便是分为相信神的存在的一部分,以及不相信宗教信仰的另一部分--宗教教徒和无神论者 And
Does the Taliban have a point of view on physics that is worth considering? No. 难道塔利班对物理学的意见也值得我们考虑吗?不。 How is their ignorance any less obvious on the subject of human well-being? 但他们对幸福的无知和他们对物理的无知有什
We have to recognize that real faith has no easy answers. 我们须认识到真正的信仰,从来没有简单答案 It's difficult and stubborn. 它是困难的、固执而不顺从的 It involves an ongoing struggle, 牵涉不间断的挣扎 a continual questioning of what
There is clearly a range of materials that constitute healthy food. 一个健康的饮食方式中有许多不同食物 But there's nevertheless a clear distinction between food and poison. 但从没有人会把食物和毒物搞错 The fact that there are m
And the more I thought about it, the more it made sense that he doubted, 我越想越觉得他的怀疑是源自于 because doubt is essential to faith. 怀疑是相信的必要部分 If this seems a startling idea at first, 如果最初听起来让人吃惊的话 consider
Well a sermon wants to change your life and a lecture wants to give you a bit of information. 宗教里的传教想改变你的生活,而一个演讲只是给你一些信息资料 And I think we need to get back to that sermon tradition. 我觉得我们有必要找回传教的习俗 Th