I thought I would start with a very brief 我觉得我得从城市的历史 history of cities. 简单说起 Settlements typically began 人们聚井而居 with people clustered around a well, and the size 揭开了典型的定居生活 of that settlement was rou
The will to live life differently can start 想把生命活得与众不同的愿望 in some of the most unusual places. 能够在一些不平凡的地方实现 This is where I come from, Todmorden. 这是我的家乡,托德莫登 It's a market town in the north of Eng
I would also like to tell the world that animals love. 我还想分享一下关于动物爱情的故事。 There's not an animal on this planet 世界上任何一种动物 that will copulate with anything that comes along. 都不会饥不择食地寻找活物进行交配。 Too old
So here's two questions 每当我思考这个问题 that I have in my head when I think about this problem. 两个疑问一直在我脑子里打转 The first is: 第一 Are cities part of biology? 城市是生物界的一部分吗 Is London a great big whale? 伦敦是一只大
Cities are the crucible of civilization. 城市是文明的熔炉 They have been expanding, 它们一直在扩张 urbanization has been expanding, 城市化的扩张速度 at an exponential rate in the last 200 years 在过去的200年里变得越来越快 so that by th
We are the only ones who have an erotic life, 人类是唯一过性生活的物种, which means that it's sexuality transformed by the human imagination. 所谓性生活完全是人类想象出来的东西 We are the only ones who can make love for hours
Now the site itself was easy enough to build, 网站本身是容易建成的, but the team was faced with the challenge 但团队面临的挑战是 of how they populate all of the content. 他们如何填充所有内容。 It would have taken the three of them
So, why does good sex so often fade, 为何性爱的激情那么容易褪色? even for couples who continue to love each other as much as ever? 就算是那些爱得如胶似漆的夫妇也无一例外。 And why does good intimacy not guarantee good sex, 为何亲密的爱情也无法
It goes up by 15 percent, 对于所有事物都是如此 and you have a 15 percent savings 你还能节省 on the infrastructure. 15%的基础设施经费 This, no doubt, is the reason 这无疑就是 why a million people a week are gathering in cities.
So we said, we'll, let's look at new cities, and we're involved 所以我们说,看看这些新城市 in a couple of new city projects in China. 我们也要在中国弄几个新城市出来 So we said, let's start with that neighborhood
You all know this story. 你们都知道这个故事. In the summer of 1950, 在1950年的夏天, Enrico Fermi, the Italian-American physicist Enrico Fermi, 美籍意大利心理学家 and atomic-pile builder, 和原子堆创造者 went to lunch at Los Alamos
And a lot of the time the question of parenthood is, 父母常常面对的问题是 what do we validate in our children, 孩子在哪些方面值得肯定 and what do we cure in them? 哪些方面需要治愈? Jim Sinclair, a prominent autism activist, said,
I'm going to go off script and make Chris quite nervous here 我打算不按预定的来,这让克里斯很紧张 by making this audience participation. 我打算让观众参与互动 All right. Are you with me? Yeah. Yeah. All right. 懂我的意思吧,懂。很好 So
Encounter one: Ocean City, New Jersey, 1980. 遭遇一: 1980年,新泽西的欧欣城. This was the summer when the special edition of 那是个夏天,正好赶上《第三类接触》的 "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" was released. 特别版发布.
I was one of the only kids in college who had a reason 上大学时,我是唯一一个需要 to go to the P.O. box at the end of the day, 在一天结束的时候去开邮箱的人, and that was mainly because my mother has never believed 主要是因为我妈妈从不信赖
Close encounter four: the Algarve, 遭遇四:阿尔加瓦 Portugal, 1991. 葡萄牙,1991. Some years later, I and this woman -- 许多年过后,我和这个女人-- we'll call her "Catherine Fletcher" -- 我们将称她为“Catherine Fletche
So when I was in Morocco, 我在摩洛哥的时候, in Casablanca, not so long ago, 不久前,在卡萨布兰卡, I met a young unmarried mother called Faiza. 我遇到一个名叫法伊扎(Faiza)的年轻未婚妈妈。 Faiza showed me photos of her infant son 法伊扎给我看了她
I believe that there are new, hidden tensions 我相信,有新的,隐藏的紧张关系 that are actually happening between people and institutions -- 发生在人们与制度之间, institutions that are the institutions that people 在人们日常生活中 inh
So, think of the three settings I've talked to you about: 那么想想这3个我所谈到的背景: factory, migration, office. 工厂,移民,办公室。 But it could be in a school, it could be an administration, 但这也可能在学校,在政府, it could
Eighty percent of carbon emissions come from cities, 80%的碳排放来自于城市, which means cities are in a position 而这意味着城市正处于一个 to solve the carbon problem, or most of it, 解决碳排放问题的关键位置。 whether or not the states