Imagine if you could record your life -- everything you said, everything you did, 想象一下如果你能记录你的生活--你说的一切,做的一切 available in a perfect memory store at your fingertips, 就存储在一个完美的你触手可及的记忆库 so you could go
Ralph Waldo Emerson described language as "fossil poetry." 诗人艾默生曾将语言描述为“化石般的诗”。 But before it was fossil poetry, language was fossil metaphor. 但是在它成为化石般的诗之前,语言是化石般的暗喻。 And these fossils still breathe.
The second reason I undertook this is because I'm concerned about the rise of fundamentalism, religious fundamentalism, 第二个原因我决定这样做,是因为我对基督教基本教义的兴起有兴趣, and people who say they take the Bible literally
So, the average life expectancy in the U.S. and the U.K. is 78.1 years, 美国和英国的平均年龄是78.1岁, but we know from more than 1,000 peer-reviewed scientific studies that you can add 10 years of life by boostin
The purpose of this project is, one: I hate not remembering things that I've done in the past. 项目的目的是,第一:我不喜欢忘记自己过去做过的事情。 There's all these things that I've done with my life that I have no recollecti
Now one of the things that I do is I don't use any filters, I don't use anything to 我录制的所有视频都没有做过特效处理,什么处理都没有 I try to capture the moment as much as possible as the way that I saw it with my own eyes.
Over the course of three years, we recorded eight to 10 hours a day, 历经3年的时间,我们每天记录8到10个小时 amassing roughly a quarter-million hours of multi-track audio and video. 积累了大约25万小时的多轨音频和视频资料 So you're looki
Metaphor lives a secret life all around us. 暗喻秘密地生活在我们中间。 We utter about six metaphors a minute. 于我们的言谈中,每分钟大约会出现六个暗喻。 Metaphorical thinking is essential to how we understand ourselves and others, 暗喻思
When winter weather set in, the temperatures dropped below freezing. 当冬天来临的时候,温度骤降到零度以下。 And they stayed there. And I faced a whole new set of challenges. 然后就一直这么冷。我又遇到了一堆新问题, I parked a different pla
The program has been great, weekday veg 我很喜欢周间素食这个点子 My footprint's smaller, I'm lessening pollution, 我的碳足迹小了,我减低了污染 I feel better about the animals, I'm even saving money. 我对动物感觉好些了,甚至还存了一点钱 Best of
So, to summarize, the idea is this: 所以,总结来说,观点是: As our world becomes increasingly instrumented 当我们的世界变得越来越工具化 and we have the capabilities to collect and connect the dots 我们有能力搜集和链接一个一个小点 between wha
I also figured out that if you really want something badly enough, you can do anything for 30 days. 我也认识到,如果你真想一些槽糕透顶的事,你可以在30天里做这些事。 Have you ever wanted to write a novel? 你曾想写小说吗? Every November, te
And soon, I started hearing from people all over the world who were adopting their own secret identity, 在此之后我开始得到从世界各地来的反馈,他们开始选择他们自己秘密身份, recruiting their own allies, and they were getting "super bet
At first, living in the van was great. I showered in campgrounds. 一开始,住在车里是很不错的。我在露天洗澡, I ate out regularly. And I had time to relax and to grieve. 正常的去外面吃东西。而且有时间去抒发情感。 But then the anger and the dep
So why was I stalling? I realized that what I was being pitched was a binary solution. 我到底在迟疑什么?我发觉这是因为我把它当作一个二分法的问题。 It was either you're a meat eater or you're a vegetarian, 你需要决定你到底是吃肉还是吃素 and I gu
Number one: I wish I hadn't worked so hard. 第一位:我希望我工作没有那么卖力。 Number two: I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends. 第二位:我希望我和我的朋友们一直保持联系。 Number three: I wish I had let myself be happier. 第三位:我希望我
And finally I learned that thou shall pick and choose. 然而最终,我学到:诸位应该有所选择。 And this one I learned because I tried to follow everything in the Bible. 这是因为我想要去遵循圣经上所有的东西。 And I failed miserably. Because
You know, the mind whizzes away like a washing machine going round and round, 你们知道的,大脑(心灵)总是像一台洗衣机般飕飕运转,反反复复, lots of difficult, confusing emotions, and we don't really know how to deal with that. 许多复
Now this became my new secret identity, and the first thing I did as a slayer was call my twin sister 现在这个游戏变成了我的新的秘密身份。当时我当杀手的第一件事是打电话给我的孪生姐妹, I have an identical twin sister named Kelly — and tell h
"I wish I'd let myself be happier." “我希望我能让自己过得跟快乐些。” Well, here I can't help but think of the groundbreaking clinical trials recently conducted at East Carolina University 的确,我在这里还是帮不上忙,但是想想近来被东卡罗来纳州