Why do so many people reach success and then fail? 为什么有这么多人在成功以后失败? One of the big reasons is, we think success is a one-way street. 最主要的原因之一是,我们把成功当作一条单行道。 So we do everything that leads up to succes
The first is: vulnerability is not weakness. 第一件事,脆弱不是弱点。 And that myth is profoundly dangerous. 并且这种错误理解非常危险。 Let me ask you honestly -- and I'll give you this warning, I'm trained as a therapist, so
In Oxford in the 1950s, there was a fantastic doctor, who was very unusual, named Alice Stewart. 在20世纪50年代的牛津,有一位相当优秀而又极不寻常的医生,她叫Alice Stewart Alice。 And Alice was unusual partly because, of course, s
If we aren't going to be afraid of conflict, we have to see it as thinking, and then we have to get really good at it. 如果我们不惧怕矛盾的话,我们必须把它当作思考,然后我们必须变得很擅长。 So, recently, I worked with an executive name
And two days later I came to do my next emergency shift, and that's when my chief asked to speak to me quietly in her office. 两天后,又轮到我在急诊室值班。那时我的主任要我去她的办公室里私下谈谈。 And she said the three words: Do you r
And so the sins of the parents are visited on the poor children. 然后父母的罪恶就在可怜的孩子们身上应验了。 Why will you seek refuge in human relationships as your excuse not to find and pursue your passion? You know why.
And the thing about a successful life is that a lot of the time, 常常,我们对一个成功人生的想象, our ideas of what it would mean to live successfully are not our own. 不是来自我们自己,而是来自他人。 They're sucked in from other pe
What do you want me to say? 你们想让我说什么? Now, do you really want me to say now, tell you, "Really, I swear I don't kick children." 现在,你们真的想让我说,告诉你们,“真的,我发誓我不踢小孩。” Look at the worldview you've given yours
So -- Here we are, back at the convention center. 那么,我们现在回到演讲厅。 We've been on a journey, a return journey, of 13.7 billion years. 我们已经在一个旅行、一个追溯137亿年的旅行中。 I hope you agree this is a powerful story. 我希
The dominant kind of snobbery that exists nowadays is job snobbery. 今天,最主要的势利就是对职业的势利。 You encounter it within minutes at a party, 你在派对中不用一分钟就能体会到, when you get asked that famous iconic question of th
And that was the message that I absorbed when I was in med school. 这就是我在医学院时得到的信息。 I was an obsessive compulsive student. 我是一个有着强迫症倾向的学生。 In high school, a classmate once said that Brian Goldman would
I have been teaching for a long time, and in doing so have acquired a body of knowledge about kids 我从事教师工作很长一段时间了,而在我教书的过程当中我学了很多关于孩子与学习的知识, and learning that I really wish more people would understan
So it's 1995, I'm in college, and a friend and I go on a road trip from Providence, Rhode Island to Portland, Oregon. 当时是95年,我在上大学,我和一个朋友开车去玩,从罗得岛的普罗旺斯区出发到奥勒冈州的波特兰市。 And you know, we're young and unem
Lying's complex. It's woven into the fabric of our daily and our business lives. 说谎这事挺复杂的。这跟我们的日常生活与工作交织在一起。 We're deeply ambivalent about the truth. 我们对真相总是拿捏不准。 We parse it out on an as-needed basis
When I was a child, I always wanted to be a superhero. I wanted to save the world and make everyone happy. 小时候,我一直梦想成为一个超级英雄。我想要拯救世界并让所有人快乐。 But I knew that I'd need superpowers to make my dreams come
So in other words, we know most of what we know about regret by the study of finance. But it turns out, when you look overall at what people regret in life, you know what, our financial decisions don'
It flew in the face of conventional wisdom, which was huge enthusiasm for the cool new technology of that age, which was the X-ray machine. 这对于这一观念是很大的冲击,尤其是对于当时的新科技X光机器的巨大热情。 And it flew in the face
Last year, for various reasons, I found myself listening to a lot of episodes of the Public Radio show This American Life. 因为一些缘故,去年我在广播上听了很多集的“我们的美国人生”。 And so I'm listening and I'm listening, and at
I want to discuss with you this afternoon why you're going to fail to have a great career. 今天下午我想和你们讨论一下你为什么不会成就伟业。 I'm an economist. I do dismal. End of the day, it's ready for dismal remarks. 我是个经济学
For most of that time of life on Earth, living organisms have been relatively simple -- single cells. 地球的大多数时间,生物体多是以简单的单细胞存在的。 But they had great diversity, and, inside, great complexity. 但是它们是十分多样的,