Around 1970, it was found that there were not only parts of the brain, but particular cells. 1970年左右,人们发现特化的不是一块区域,而是相应的脑细胞。 "Face cells" were discovered around 1970. And now we know that there are hu
There's a great big elephant in the room called the economy. So let's start talking about that. 经济是个重要,而又常被避开的话题。让我们来聊下它。 I wanted to give you a current picture of the economy. That's what I have behi
Now there is an epidemic of obesity: two-thirds of adults and 15 percent of kids. 此外,现在出现的还有糖尿病的流行,这占到了成人的2/3和儿童的15%。 What's really concerning to me is that diabetes has increased 70 percent in the pa
Law enforcement is currently a closed system. It's nation-based, while the threat is international. 执法活动在当下仍属一个封闭的系统。它虽以国家为基础,但威胁是国际性的。 Policing doesn't scale globally. At least, it hasn't, and our cu
The other thing that they had in common was this: They fully embraced vulnerability. 他们还有另外一个共同之处,那就是,他们全然接受脆弱。 They believed that what made them vulnerable made them beautiful. 他们相信,让他们变得脆弱的东西,也让他们变得
We see with the eyes, but we see with the brain as well. And seeing with the brain is often called imagination. 我们用眼睛看世界,但我们也用大脑看。用大脑来看,也就是我们常说的想象。 And we are familiar with the landscapes of our own i
And at 16, I stumbled across another opportunity, and I earned my first acting role in a film. 当我16岁时,我无意中遇到另一个机遇,得到了我的第一个电影角色。 I can hardly find the words to describe the peace I felt when I was acti
I want to start off by saying, Houston, we have a problem. We're entering a second generation of no progress in terms of human flight in space. 我想从这里开始,休斯顿,我们有个问题。我们已经有二十年没有进展了,在人类太空飞行方面。 In fact, we'
In fact, some years ago, Bill Joy wrote an article expressing tremendous concern about robots taking us over, etc. 事实上在几年前,比尔乔伊在一篇文章中表达了对机器人将取代我们的极大关注,等等。 I don't go along with all that, but it's inte
So this neglected space became a constructive one, and people's hopes and dreams made me laugh out loud, tear up, and they consoled me during my own tough times. 这个本来被遗忘的建筑变成了一个极具建设性的地方,这些人的希望和梦想让我放声大
The government, meanwhile, has been acting like Santa Claus. We all love Santa Claus, right? 与此同时,政府扮的像圣诞老人一样,我们都爱圣诞老人不是吗? But the problem with Santa Clause is, if you look at the mandatory spending o
She didn't mind the cartoons too much. But what did disturb her was she got very persistent images or hallucinations of faces and as with Rosalie, 她并不大关注那部卡通,让她非常苦恼的是,这些幻觉持续地出现,而且跟罗斯莉的情况一样, the faces
Talk very briefly about innovation cycles, things that grow, have a lot of activity; they die out when they're replaced by something else. 简短地谈一下发明创造的周期,周期发展时会衍生许多活动,当这些活动被其他活动取代,此周期就灭亡了。 These things
So to test this we used a machine that we have called the Blicket Detector. 为了证明这个观点,我们用了一个叫做玩具侦探的仪器。 This is a box that lights up and plays music when you put some things on it and not others. 如果你在这个
The planet became an intense emitter of radio waves -- the total output from all TV and cell phones and radar transmissions. 地球开始发射出强烈的电磁波 - 其来源是所有的电视,手机和雷达信号传输。 And something else happened. Metallic
You know this. So, I could tell you a lot about shame, but I'd have to borrow everyone else's time. 你知道这个(结果)。我能告诉你关于耻辱的很多东西,但那样我就得占用别人的时间了。 But here's what I can tell you that it boils down to -- and
Four years ago here at TED, Ray Kurzweil and I started a new university called Singularity University. 四年前在TED,雷·库兹威尔和我创立了一所新的大学,叫做“Singularity University”。 And we teach our students all of these tech
My first memories are from the boat -- the steady beat of the engine, the bow dipping into each wave, the vast and empty horizon. 我的第一个记忆来自于小船--发动机均匀的节奏,浅浅的波浪,一望无尽的海平面。 I don't remember the pirates wh
Those are nice words. But I got sort of curious of what he meant with liberty, and liberty for whom. 这句话很动听。可是,我很好奇,他说的是何种自由,以及是何人的自由。 And we will think about that when we look at the wider picture of
Charles Bonnet said, 250 years ago -- he wondered how, thinking these hallucinations, how, as he put it, the theater of the mind could be generated by the machinery of the brain. 查尔斯·邦纳在250年前在对这些幻觉现象的