Once upon a time, at the age of 24, I was a student at St. John's Medical College in Bangalore. 很久以前,当我还是24岁之时,我尚是一名位于班加罗尔的圣约翰医学院的学生。 I was a guest student during one month of a public health course.
At first, I thought I was just going to be here to perform, but unexpectedly, I learned and enjoyed much more. 起初,我以为我到这里来只是为了表演,我没有想到是,我却学到和得到更多的东西, But ... although some of the talks were quite up t
I grew up on the coast of England in the '70s. My dad is white from Cornwall, and my mom is black from Zimbabwe. 我于上世纪七十年代,生长在英格兰的海岸边,我父亲是来自康沃尔的白人,我母亲是来自津巴布韦的黑人。 Even the idea of us as a family was ch
And, furthermore, when skeletal muscle is injured, that's what causes chemokines -- these signals saying, 此外,当骨骼肌受伤时,会导致趋化因子——这些信号说: "Cancer, you can come to me," the "go signs" for the tumors -- it c
All right, why would we see this correlation? 我们为什么看到这样的一个关联? Well an idea is that that strategy, that learning strategy, is an extremely powerful, great strategy for getting on in the world, but it h
Design -- I love its design. I remember when I was little, my mom asked me, "Would you like to play the violin or the piano?" 设计—我喜欢小提琴的设计。我记得我小的时候,我妈妈问我,你是喜欢拉小提琴还是弹钢琴? I looked at that giant monster
For as long as I can remember, I have felt a very deep connection to animals and to the ocean. 印象中,我一直觉得自己与动物和海洋有着千丝万缕的联系。 And at this age, my personal idol was Flipper the dolphin. 在我这般大的时候,我的偶像便是海豚F
They were inspired by big progress. But look at the progress that's going on after that. 他们被巨大的进步所鼓舞。但看看那之后的进步。 There were a couple of examples here. The military fighters had a -- highest-performance
If you've ever seen a human brain, it's obvious that the two hemispheres are completely separate from one another. 不知道各位是否见过人类的大脑,很明显,它是由两个独立的半球组成。 And I have brought for you a real human brain. So th
So I got up and I jumped onto my cardio glider, which is a full-body, full-exercise machine. 我起床,然后跳到我的健身器材上,它是一个活动全身部位的机器。 And I'm jamming away on this thing, and I'm realizing that my hands look lik
Strangely, these revelations didn't cure my low self-esteem, that feeling of otherness. 奇怪的是,这些启示,并没有治愈我那缺少的自尊,那种被划为另类的感觉。 My desire to disappear was still very powerful. I had a degree from Cambridge
The Internet, the Web as we know it, the kind of Web -- the things we're all talking about -- is already less than 5,000 days old. 互联网,又称网络,我们所说的网络,其历史还不到5000天。 So all of the things that we've seen co
And push! David Gallo says, "Push yourself. Physically, mentally, you've got to push, push, push." You've got to push through shyness and self-doubt. 强迫!大卫·加洛说:“强迫你自己,身体上,精神上。你一定要强迫,强迫,强迫。”你要强迫自己去战胜羞涩
It's a beautiful thing. I swear to God. I mean, when you look at the box and you sort of see how it works. 它真美。我发誓,当你看着盒子的时候,你就好像知道它如何运作的。 Rives is here, and I met him years ago at a book fair; he doe
But it struck me that I'd never heard of cancer of the heart, or cancer of any skeletal muscle for that matter. 但让我吃惊的是,我从没听过心脏癌这种说法,或骨骼肌癌这种东西。 And skeletal muscle constitutes 50 percent of our body,
Now comes the part that I hate. Well, because Mr. Anderson told me that this session is called "Sync and Flow," 现在到了我讨厌的部分,这个呢,是因为安德森先生告诉我,这部分叫做"和谐和流动", I was wondering, "What do I know that these gen
You remember the space race in the '60s was for national prestige, because we lost the first two milestones. 你们还记得60年代的太空竞赛是为了国家的声誉,因为我们丢失了最初的两个里程碑。 We didn't lose them technically. The fact that we h
From all outward appearances, John had everything going for him. 从所有的表象上来看,约翰是事事顺心的。 He had just signed the contract to sell his New York apartment at a six-figure profit, and he'd only owned it for f
In 2009, I lost someone I loved very much. Her name was Joan, and she was a mother to me. 2009年,我失去了一个我挚爱的人,她的名字叫琼,对我来讲,她就像我的母亲一样。 And her death was sudden and unexpected. And I thought about death a
Now, back to my projections. When will it catch up? I have to go back to very conventional graph. 好,回到我的预测。但两国何时能迎头赶上?我们必须使用传统图表。 I will show income per person on this axis instead, poor down here, ri