If you told me that I'd have to be depressed for the next month, 如果你告诉我,我会在接下来的一个月里一直抑郁 I would say, "As long I know it'll be over in November, I can do it." 我会说,“只要一个月之后不抑郁了我就可以接受。”
Now as we pull away from this world -- we're going to keep pulling away from the star now. 现在,我们将视线从这个世界里移出来--我们从这个星球移出来了 One of the things that always frustrated me a little bit about astronomy 天
Actually, those action video game players have many other advantages in terms of attention, 事实上,动作电子游戏的玩家在注意力方面还有很多其他优势。 and one aspect of attention which is also improved for the better 其中之一得到提高的是能够更
Back at SCVNGR, we like to joke that with seven game dynamics, 在SCVNGR的时候,我们总开玩笑说,如果有7个玩游戏的动机的话, you can get anyone to do anything. 我们就能让任何人做任何事情。 And so today, I'm going to show you four, 今天我给大家介
Now once we mate, we click on the egg. 我们一旦交配之后,就可以点这个蛋。 And this is where the game starts getting interesting, 这样游戏就变得很有趣了, because one of the things we really focused on here was giving the players
While you are basking in the glow 当你沉浸在你第一次 of having won your first massively multiplayer thumb-wrestling game, 赢得超级多人拇指摔跤比赛胜利的光荣中时 let's do a quick recap on the positive emotions. 我们来说说这当中的正面情绪
And then we can test it out, once we've done that, and see how it would move around. 我们完成这一项之后,就可以测试一下,让它四处走动一下。 And so at this point the computer is procedurally animating this creature. 这时,电脑就会自
Now, before we get started 现在,在我们开始之前 This is great. You're excited to play. 很好。你们已经等不及了-- before we get started, can I havethe slides back up here really quick, 在我们开始之前,我在上面再放几张投影片 because if you
Now in a sense, when we think about the effect of video games on the brain, 从某种意义上来说,我们可以认为电子游戏对于大脑的影响 it's very similar to the effect of wine on the health. 和酒对于健康的影响很相似。 There are some very poor
And so I'm going to take a few examples from our work. 我想要举几个我们在研究中发现的例子。 One first saying that I'm sure you all have heard 这第一个说法,我想大多数人都听说过: is the fact that too much screen time makes your
I was really moved by these experiences, 我被这些真实的故事深深打动了 and I decided that I wanted to write about them 我之前计划只是写一本书来记录 not only in a book I was working on, but also in an article, 但是现在我觉得远远不够,我还要写一篇文章
Most of the educational games that are out there today are really flashcards. 今天的多数教育游戏是过时的,它们只是卡片游戏。 They're glorified drill and practice. 它们都是很耗人的和需要人们的耐心来玩。 They don't have the depth, the r
But this is sort of the important stages in which that framework will get built, 平台建设是很重要的阶段, and so we want to all be thinking about it consciously now. 所以现在我们都要自然而然地思考这个问题。 Just before we jump into
It's easier to help schizophrenics who perceive 相对而言帮助精神分裂症患者更容易 that there's something foreign inside of them that needs to be exorcised, 他们认为自己身体里面有某些异质需要被驱除 but it's difficult with depr
You all know about multitasking. 你们都知道"多任务处理"(multitasking)。 You all have been faulty of multitasking when you're driving and you pick up your cellphone. 一边开车一边拿起手机的多任务处理不是明智之举。 Bad idea
The final one I want to talk about -- and it's a great one to end on -- 我最后想讲的是——用来结尾很好的例子是 is this concept of communal discovery, 社群探索的概念, a dynamic in which everyone has to work together to achi
So this is work from a colleague in Toronto. 这个工作是我们一个多伦多的同事完成的。 What they showed is that, initially, 他们发现一开始参加实验的人的表现 you know, subjects perform where they are expected to perform given their age. 和他
I went a few years ago to a conference, and on Friday of the three-day conference, 几年前我去参加一个学术会议,连开三天,第一天是周五 one of the participants took me aside, and she said, 一个与会者把我叫到一边,她说 "I suffer from dep
So I'm a woman with chronic schizophrenia. 我是一个患有慢性精神分裂症的女人 I've spent hundreds of days in psychiatric hospitals. 我曾经有几百天都待在精神病医院里面 I might have ended up spending most of my life on the back w
You see, the autistic mind tends to be a specialist mind 自闭症患者通常都是有特别的心智的 good at one thing, bad at something else. 她们往往在某一方面做得很棒,在其他方面做得很糟 And where I was bad was algebra. And I was never allowed to