At all. I mean, the women should be paid as much as the men. 是一点都不。我的意思是 女性该和男性薪酬平等。 Everywhere I go, women tell me they ask for raises. 不论走到哪里,女性们都告诉我要争取加薪。 Everywhere I go, women say they're get
And then our mothers tell us, Careful you don't fall down, because you'll fall over. 然后母亲告诉我们,没有跌倒也要小心,因为你还会掉下来。 Now, go into the real atmosphere of this planet. 现在,进入这个行星真正的大气层。 This planet h
And therefore, we have zero prosecutions, and of course, zero convictions,of any of the elite bank frauds,the Wall Street types,that drove this crisis. 因而,造成这场危机的华尔街顶尖银行诈骗犯们没有一个被起诉没有一个被定罪。 With no exp
Now I know there aren't a lot of men here, but bear with me. 我知道在座的男性数量很少,不过耐心点儿。 If you're a man, you'll have to represent your gender. 如果你是男人 你就必须代表你的性别。 Please raise your hand if you
OK.So you're sitting with a question in front of you and you're unsure. You should guess improve. 所以当你面前出现了一个问题而你不太确定答案时 你应该猜进步。 Okay? Don't go for the worse. 好吗?别选坏的那个。 That will help you
It was something we'd seen before,and it was completely unambiguous. 这是我们之前见到过,并且确切不疑。 This was an epidemic of accounting control fraud led by the banks. 这就是银行主导的大面积会计管理欺诈行为。 What about liar's
We need to shrink them to the point,within the next five years,that they no longer pose a systemic risk. 在接下来的五年里,我们要给它们大幅瘦身,让它们不再具有系统性风险。 Right now, they are ticking time bombs that will cause a glob
You were beaten by the chimps. 你们被黑猩猩打败了。 But it was close. 但很接近了。 You were three times better than the Swedes,but that's not enough. 你们的正确率比瑞典人高了三倍但这还不够。 You shouldn't compare yourself to Swe
So today's top chef class is in how to rob a bank, and it's clear that the general public needs guidance, because the average bank robbery nets. 今天的“顶级大厨”寓教于食,揭秘怎么抢银行,显然,大众对这个外行。 因为一般的劫匪抢一次银行.
By 2006, 40 percent of all the loans made that year, all the home loans made that year,were liar's loans,40 percent. 截至2006年,当年发放的所有贷款,当年的所有房屋贷款中四成是欺骗性贷款。高达四成啊,亲。 And this is despite a warning fro
That's a systematic approach. 这是一个系统的方法。 Now the question, is this important? 那么现在问题来了这很重要吗。 Yeah, it's important to understand poverty, 是的,这对理解贫穷。 extreme poverty and how to fight it,and how
During the savings and loan debacle in 1984,we looked at every single failure,and we looked for common characteristics, 1984年储贷危机期间,我们仔细研究了每一个破产案例。寻找其中的共同点。 And we discovered this recipe was common to
Now, I'm an ethnobotanist. 我是名民族植物学家。 That's a scientist who works in the rainforest to document how people use local plants. 我在热带雨林工作,记录人们如何使用当地植物。 I've been doing this for a long time,an
You see the larger wing area here. 你们可以看到这儿有面积更大的翅膀。 Also, clearly, it was such a powerful thing,we wanted to try and bring other people but we couldn't figure out how to do it. 而且,这还是件很有影响力的事情,我们
And what really mattered to me-it wasn't only women in the corporate world,even though I did hear from a lot of them, and it did impact a lot of them,it was also people of all different circumstan
Yes, I have an idea, but first,I'm so sorry that you were beaten by the chimps. 是的 我有个主意 但首先对于你们被黑猩猩打败 我表示很抱歉。 Fortunately, I will be able to comfort you by showing why it was not your fault, actu
He was rescued by a group of isolated Indians called the Mats's. 他被一群叫做Matsés的与世隔绝的印第安人救了下来。 They beckoned for him to follow them into the forest, which he did. 他们示意他跟随他们进入丛林,他照做了。 There, they too
So already the pilots reveal this,that so many in the public score worse than random,so we have to think about preconceived ideas,and one of the main preconceived ideas 试运行结果已经表明有许多公众的得分比随机选择还要低。所以我们不
Yesterday my daughter was clinging to my leg, and Don't go. 昨天我女儿抱着我的大腿,喊:别走。 And you looked at me and said, you have to tell that story. 然后你看着我说,你一定要讲这故事。 I said, on the TED stage? Are you kiddin
I think the future of this planet depends on humans, not technology, and we already have the knowledge we're kind of at the endgame with knowledge. 我想地球的未来取决于人类自身,而非技术,而且我们已经意识到这一点,我们有点儿快到达知识终点的感觉