Now, it is the position, generally speaking, of our intellectual community that while we may not like this, 普遍来说,我们的学术界是这样想的,虽然我们不喜欢这样 we might think of this as "wrong" in Boston or Palo Alt
We do our best to ignore the fact that we don't always have it, 我们尽管忽略一项事实,我们并不常有敬畏之心 and that not everything can be explained. 也不是一切事情都能解释 Yet whether you're a rationalist or a mystic, 然而,无论你
So then, you move off to this larger sphere of "human +," 那么,然后我们迈步来到这片更大的人类空间, and you could continue that process 我们不断地前进, and eventually explore a lot of this larger space of possible mod
I first found out about this confrontation when I was in graduate school, and it kind of blew me away. 我第一次听说这个故事的时候还在念研究生,这个故事让我太惊讶了。 I mean, how could the word scientist not have existed until 1833?
No, we need to be polite about differences. 不一定,我们只是需要礼貌地对待另一方 Politeness is a much-overlooked virtue. It's seen as hypocrisy. 有时候礼貌都被我们忽视了。有时候我们觉得那是虚伪 But we need to get to a stage when you'r
Now, that's the way a lot of people feel about consciousness. 好了,那就是很多人对意识的感觉。 Real consciousness is not a bag of tricks. 真正的意识不是魔术师的口袋 If you're going to explain this as a bag of tricks, 如果你把
The two really bad ideas that are hovering in the modern world 在当代世界有两个特别糟糕的想法 that inhibit our capacity to draw strength from art: 他们抑制了我们在艺术里获得力量的本领 The first idea is that art should be for art'
I'd like you to come back with me for a moment to the 19th century, specifically to June 24, 1833. 我希望先带你们回到19世纪,确切地说回到1833年6月24日。 The British Association for the Advancement of Science 英国科学促进协会正在
This is actually a courageous talk, 这真是一个无畏的演讲 because you're kind of setting up yourself in some ways to be ridiculed in some quarters. 在某些地方你似乎把自己当成了一个笑柄让大家嘲弄啊 You can get shot by both sides. 不管
I'm going to speak today about the relationship between science and human values. 今日我要讨论科学和人类价值观之间的关系 Now, it's generally understood that questions of morality -- questions of good and evil an
Indeed, Rensink's subjects took only a little bit more than a second to press the button. 是的,Rensink的实验对象仅仅花了一秒多一点点的时间来按下按钮。 Can you see that one? 2.9 seconds. 这个能看到吗?2.9秒。 How many don't see
Now, when we think about changing human nature, 那么,当我们考虑改变人类本质时, the first thing that comes to mind are these human modification technologies 首先想到的便是那些人类改造技术 growth hormone therapy, cosmetic surgery,
At worst, possession -- that he'd been seized by an evil jinn, 往坏处想,他被邪恶的神怪附身了 a spirit out to deceive him, even to crush the life out of him. 要来欺骗他,甚至来取他的性命 In fact, he was so sure that he could
Still, some boundaries are larger than others. 然而,有些领域的边界更为宽广 So a human encountering the divine, as Muslims believe Muhammad did, 所以当人类遇到了神性时,正如伊斯兰教徒相信穆罕默德一样 to the rationalist, this is a matter not
And if we're more concerned about our fellow primates than we are about insects, as indeed we are, 如果和昆虫做比较,我们比较关心我们自己的物种 it's because we think they're exposed to a greater range of potent
In the secular world we think, "If an idea is important, I'll bump into it. I'll just come across it." 在非宗教世界里,我们觉得 "我会毫无预兆就想到一个好主意,我是偶然想到的" Nonsense, says the religious wo
So if you think about what it means to learn arithmetic or to learn to read, 因此,如果你思考学习算术和阅读意义何在, you're actually, literally rewriting your own brain. 那实际上你就是在重写你自己的大脑。 You're changing the mic
Now, many of you might worry that the notion of well-being is truly undefined, 或许在你们之中,有许多人会担心这所谓的幸福该如何界定 and seemingly perpetually open to be re-construed. 这似乎没有一定的标准 And so, how therefore can there
The artist had very cleverly suggested people and clothes and wagons and all sorts of things, 艺术家很聪明地暗示了人物和服装,以及车马还有其他事物, and my brain had taken the suggestion. 而我的大脑接受了这样的暗示。 You're familiar with
That's probably not all that difficult. 这也许并不是太难做到的事情。 It might just be a simple hormone or something that could do this. 可能只需要一种普通激素或其它什么材料。 It's been done in voles. 人们在田鼠身上做过这种实验。 You can en