So, a problem in explaining how children learn language, 所以在解释孩子们如何学习语言时候,有一个问题 a problem in teaching language to adults so that they don't make grammatical errors, 同样也是教成人学外语语法时的一个问题 and a problem in
There's an influential taxonomy by the anthropologist Alan Fiske, 人类学家Alan Fiske给出了一个关于影响力的分类法 in which relationships can be categorized, more or less, into communality, which works on the principle 其
I ask you, what happened to translation? 那我问你,翻译还需要吗? If you think about the Islamic Golden Age, there was lots of translation then. 如果你想想伊斯兰的黄金时代,当时有很多翻译。 They translated from Latin and Greek into Ar
So we have gone through almost 30 characters. 我们已经学了差不多三十个汉字, By using this method, the first eight radicals will allow you to build 32. 通过这个方法,这八个基本字可以衍生出三十二个汉字, The next group of eight characters wi
Open your mouth as wide as possible until it's square. You get a mouth. 把你的嘴张得越大越好,直到变成正方形。这就是一个“口”字。 This is a person going for a walk. Person. 这是一个人正在散步。“人”字。 If the shape of the fire is a person wi
There are lots and lots of tests of English. 各种各样的英语测试。 And millions and millions of students take these tests every year. 每年成千上万的学生参加这样的考试。 Now you might think, you and me, "Those fees aren't bad, th
And so some time around 200,000 years ago, our species confronted this crisis. 大约二十万年前,人类遇到了这一困境 And we really had only two options for dealing with the conflicts that visual theft would bring. 我们只有两种
And the trick here is to use a single, readable sentence that the audience can key into if they get a bit lost, 这里的窍门就是使用简单、易读的句子,让观众即使有点儿不明白也能够掌握要点, and then provide visuals which appeal to our other
And the computer models, no matter how many that you have and how many people that you use, 那些计算机虚拟建模,不管你做了多少,用了多少人 are never going to be able to arrive at the same conclusions. 结论永远不同 Four years ago
Now, have any of y'all ever looked up this word? 好,你们中有谁查过这个单词? You know, in a dictionary? Yeah, that's what I thought. 用字典?是的,我想也就这个样子。 How about this word? Here, I'll show it to you. 这个单词呢?看看解释: Lex
But if you're not a native speaker, you have to pass a test. 如果你的母语不是英语的话,你要通过一个考试。 Now can it be right to reject a student on linguistic ability alone? 那么仅仅根据学生的语言能力就拒绝一个学生的做法合适吗? Perhaps you have a
Now, at the same time, English is the undisputed global language. 而同时,现在英语又无可争辩地成为全球性语言。 Could there be a connection? Well I don't know. 这两者间有联系吗?我不知道。 But I do know that I've seen a lot of changes. 但
Take that person from 1993 -- not that long ago, 我们让1993年的那个人-这可不算太久远, this is "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure" -- those people. 那还是“比尔和泰德历险记”(1989年美国电影)时代, Take those people and they read a very
Mark, one question. Svante found that the FOXP2 gene, which seems to be associated with language, 马克,我有个问题。斯万特发现FOXP2基因,好像它与语言有关 was also shared in the same form in Neanderthals as us. 而尼安德特人也像我们一样有此基
Now I can't speak for you, 虽然我不能完全代表你们 but it seems to be the case that we don't have sex with people we can't talk to. 但可以这样说,我们不会跟无法交流的人去做爱 Now we have to counter that, though, against the evidence
Coincidence to me has a much simpler metric. 对我来说,巧合有一个非常简单的魔力。 That's like me telling you, "Hey, you know the Nobel Prize was established in 1901, 比如,我对你说,“嗨,诺贝尔奖是1901年建立的, which coincidentally is th
Now think of the absurdity of this situation. 现在试想下这种奇怪的状况: If 27 individuals from those 27 member states sat around table, speaking their 23 languages, 如果27个来自各个盟国的人围坐在桌边,说着23种语言 some very simple mat
Any spoken language that's used by real people has them. 任何口语都有这些词语。 If you happen to speak Japanese, think about that little word "ne" that you use at the end of a lot of sentences. 如果你会说日语的话,想想你在很多句
Our species can make stuff, 人类这一物种可以创造事物 therefore we prospered in a way that no other species has. 所以我们比任何其他物种都要繁荣先进 In fact, we can even make the "stuff of life" -- 事实上我们甚至可以创造“生命本身的东西”-- as I just
Now of course, as history has gone by, 当然,随着历史的演进, it's been natural for there to be a certain amount of bleed between speech and writing. 在言语对话和书面文字表达之间有些交集也是很自然的事情。 So, for example, in a distant era