Then there is a coffee table. I also did a coffee table. It's called Be Here Now. It includes 330 compasses. 我还设计了这张茶几,起名叫“现在到此”。它里面装了330个指南针。 And we had custom espresso cups made that hide a magnet i
How annoying would that be? "Must try harder." 多么不可思议。“你要努力学习”。 Being sent to bed by his dad, you know, to Shakespeare, "Go to bed, now! And put the pencil down." 你能想象他父亲边说边把他抱上床,“现在该睡觉了,放下笔。 "And sto
And the idea of course was to make the type so precious that as an audience you would be in between 我们的构思,是把图样做得很精美,要令观赏者觉得难以决定, "Should I really take as much money as I can? Or should I leave the pie
The final thing is, again just to reiterate that there's this practical part, 最后,只是再一次重申,这个研究的实际应用方面, and so we've made these anti-quorum sensing molecules that are being developed as new kinds of the
But what do you do? Fall down nine times, get up 10. 能怎么样呢?只有屡败屡战。 So, the following year, I set out and, fortunately, this time made it safely across to Hawaii. 第二年,我重新出发,我这次比较走运,安全地划渡到达了夏威夷。 But it
We heard it in other forms. And who are these? Where are the different countries? 这是个老问题了。中间这些人是谁?他们在哪些国家? I can show you Africa. This is Africa. 10% the world population, most in poverty. 先看非洲。非洲占世界人
What do we do when we feel powerless? We do exactly the opposite. 那我们感到无助的时候呢?我们的行为正相反。 We close up. We wrap ourselves up. We make ourselves small. 我们封闭起来。我们把自己蜷起来。让自己变得小一点。 We don't want to bump into
Let me make a comparison directly between the United States of America and Vietnam. 现在我们对比一下美国和越南。 1964. America had small families and long life; Vietnam had large families and short lives. 1964年的美国家
We know three things about intelligence. One, it's diverse. 培养人才有三个原则。第一,多样化。 We think about the world in all the ways that we experience it. 我们认知世界的角度不同。 We think visually, we think in sound, we thin
A couple months went by, and I had just forgotten all about it. 几个月过去了,我全忘了有这么回事。 And I finally decided, oh gosh, I've got to go to the court and do this crazy case. 最后我决定,天哪,我得上庭去做这个案子。 And I got int
I sometimes get out of balance. I'll end with this story. 我常失去平衡。我想用个故事结束我的演讲。 I sometimes push too hard. I do get tired, as we all do. 我有时工作太多,很累,就像大家每个人一样。 Sometimes those ideas get ahead of our thi
So, some of you most likely were here two years ago and saw the demo by Jeff Han, 你们当中有些人两年前在这里应该看过Jeff Han演示微软的Surface系统, or some of you may think, "Well, doesn't this look like the Microsoft Surface
We're going to go on a dive to the deep sea, 好了,我们即将潜入海底深处。 and anyone that's had that lovely opportunity knows that for about two and half hours on the way down, 任何一个有过这种美妙机会的人都知道,在这两个半小时的下降过程中, it's
And I'm going to admit something to you. I'm going to tell you something I probably shouldn't. 现在我想向大家坦白一件事。可能不该在这里说。 I know this might be broadcast broadly. 因为这个演讲是会到处播的。 But I'm 52 years old, and I'
Death penalty in America is defined by error. 死刑在美国是常有差错的。 For every nine people who have been executed, we've actually identified one innocent person who's been exonerated and released from death row
Because the chimpanzee would score half right if I gave them two bananas with Sri Lanka and Turkey. 因为黑猩猩能得一半的分数,如果我给它们两个分别标着斯里兰卡和土耳其的香蕉, They would be right half of the cases. But the students are no
But then if you think about it, the squid has this terrible problem 但是如果你再深入地想一下,这乌贼会有一个可怕的问题, because it's got this dying, thick culture of bacteria and it can't sustain that. 因为在它的体内,这些黏稠的细菌会不断的增长,死
Now none of this is to say that social skills are unimportant, and I'm also not calling for the abolishing of teamwork at all. 我所说的完全不是指社交技能不重要,我也不是在说团队精神没有存在价值。 The same religions who send their sage
I'm wearing a camera, just a simple web cam, a portable, battery-powered projection system with a little mirror. 我佩戴着一个相机,就是一个简单的网络摄像头,一个便携的用电池供电的投影仪和一个小镜子。 These components communicate to my cell pho
What I would hope that I could further argue to you is that this is the invention of multicellularity. 我希望能进一步地说服你们的是,这就是多细胞生物的起源。 Bacteria have been on the Earth for billions of years; humans, couple